Robert Bajko
Rob’s research interest involves the impact of mobile technologies such as laptops, tablet computers, smartphones, and cellular telephones on the cultural, business and social behaviour and attitudes in the workplace. He examined how the use of existing mobile technologies and current practices are disrupting and changing the flow and structure of delivery and management of business content, and how meeting participant attitudes are changing.
Rob Bajko joined Toronto Metr in 2009, originally teaching information technology management to students in the Ted Rogers School of Management. Since 2010, he has been teaching communication courses in both the Chang School of Continuing Education and the School of Professional Communication. He has taught at the University of Toronto, the Toronto District School Board and in corporations as a corporate trainer. He is also an ISW facilitator. His work experience includes working in human resources and information technology in multiple levels of management and consultancy.
Rob Bajko earned his Ph.D. from (formerly) Ryerson University/York University in applied communication.
Recent Publications
- Bajko, R., Schryer, C., Dick, M., & Leithead, C. (2019). Implementing simulation-based learning in the online classroom: An academia-industry partnership. 6th Annual Digital Pedagogy Institute Conference. Waterloo, Ontario. July 31 – August 1, 2019.
- Bajko, R., Besigye, I., von Pressentin, K., Yakubu, K., & Redwood-Campbell, L. (2019). The uses of mobile phones in sub-Saharan African countries and Canada for healthcare: What can we learn from each other? WoncaAfrica, 2019. Kampala, Uganda. June 6 - 8, 2019.
- Dick, M., Bajko, R., Schryer, C., & Leithead, C. (2019). Wearing Simulated Suits to Class: Working With AI Characters to Connect the Student Experience Inside and Outside of the Virtual Classroom, Ryerson Learning and Teaching Conference. Toronto, Ontario. May 16, 2019.
- Hodson, J., Bains, H., & Bajko, R. (2017). Games across the spectrum: using a comparison of undergraduate and graduate student game-based learning to strengthen the understanding of gamification. Second International Conference on Communication & Media Studies. Vancouver, British Columbia. Nov 16 – 17, 2017.
- Seaborn, K., Fels, D., Bajko, R., Hodson, J. (2017). Gamifying the Media Classroom: Instructor Perspectives and the Multidimensional Impact of Gamification on Student Engagement. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 7(4), 22-49.
- MacFarlane, L., Bajko, R., Rafuse, A. & Plumb, D. (2017). Imagine Teaching with Snapchat. 2017 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Halifax, Nova Scotia. June 20-23, 2017.
- Bajko, R. (2017). Emerging forms of digital communication in public relations practice. Canadian Communication Association (Congress 2017). May 27 – June 2, 2017.
- Chandross, D., Bajko, R., Fels, D., Svekis, L., & Djazfarova, N. (2017). Gamify your course: An intensive, practical workshop on how to use game-based learning and simulations in higher education. Learning & Teaching Conference. Toronto, Ontario. May 18, 2017
- Louch, M., Bajko, R., Stork, E. (2016). The Language of Text: How Typeface and Emojis Affect Student Perception of Online Instructors. Information Systems and Computing Education. Las Vegas, Nevada. Nov 6 – 9, 2016.
- Schindel-Martin, L., LeGrow, K., Chandross, D., Bajko, R. & Fels, D. (2016). Introducing Gamification as a Learning Strategy in a Fourth Year Professional Health Elective in Family Health Nursing. Canadian Nursing Education Conference. Toronto, Ontario. May 30-31, 2016.
- Bajko, R., Hodson, J. (2016). ABCs of Gamification-How We Gamified a Social Media Course. Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium. Victoria, British Colombia. June 13-17, 2016.
- Bajko, R., Chandross, D., Schindel-Martin, L., Siddiqui, S., Meyer, R., Reguindin, J. & Fels, D. (2016). Undergraduate course gamification: Forging beyond multimedia and social media contexts into health sciences curriculum. 2016 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. London, Ontario. June 21-24, 2016.
- Meyer, R., Chandross, D., Reguindin, J., Bajko, R., Fels, D., Schindel-Martin, L. (2016). The Design and Implementation of Game-Based Learning Systems in Higher Education and Health Professions Education. 2016 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. London, Ontario. June 21-24, 2016.
- Bajko, R., Chandross, D., Schindel-Martin, L., Fels, D.I (2016). D2L/Brightspace gets power-up’s: The development of gamification API’s for LMS. Canadian International Conference on Education. Toronto, Ontario. June 27-30, 2016.
- Bajko, R., Chandross, D., Schindel-Martin, L. & Fels, D. (2016). The Adaptation of Learning Management Systems for Gamification-Based Learning in Continuing Education. CAUCE-CNIE Conference 2016. Waterloo, Ontario. May 30-June 2, 2016.
- Bajko, R., & Fels, D. (2016). Prevalence of Mobile Phone Interaction in Workplace Meetings. HCI International. Toronto, Ontario. July 17-22, 2016
- Fels, D., Bajko, R., Chandross, D., Schindel-Martin, L., Siddiqui, S. & Livingstone, P. (2015). Gamification of Undergraduate Courses Across Disciplines at Ryerson University, a Study of Learner Satisfaction and the Design of Game Widgets for the Brightspace D2L Learning Management System. Ryerson Faculty Conference. Toronto, Ontario. May 19, 2016
- Hodson, J., & Bajko, R. (2015). Games in class: A case study of gamification in an undergraduate communication course. 2015 Symposium: Scholarly Teaching & Learning in Post-Secondary Education, Vancouver, British Colombia. November 13, 2015.
- Bajko, R., Hodson, J., Seaborn, K., Livingstone, P., & Fels, D. (2015). Guilds, Die Rolls, and Leaderboards Gamification of Two Undergraduate Multimedia and Social Media Courses. Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education 2015, Wilmington, North Carolina. November 1-4, 2015.
- Bajko, R., Fels, D., & Hodson, J. (2015, May). The gamification of two undergraduate courses. Poster session presented at the Ryerson Faculty Conference, Toronto, ON. May 21, 2015. (Best poster award)
- Bajko, R., & Fels, D. (2013). Meeting participant perception and usage of smartphones and other mobile devices during meetings. In Professional Communication Conference (IPCC), 2013 IEEE International. IEEE.
- Bajko, R., & Fels, D. (2013). Analysis of adoption and use of Smartphones in Work Meetings. Paper presented at GRAND 2013, Fourth Annual Digital Media conference in cooperation with CDMN Canada 3.0, Toronto, ON.
- Bajko, R. (2013, April/May). mHealth - A Brief Summary of Current Research. Integrated Health Practitioner.
- Bajko, R. (2012). Mobile telephone usage, attitude, and behavior during group meetings. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 5 (2), 4-13.
- Bajko, R. (2011). Mobile telephone usage and perception during group meetings. Conference on Information Systems Applied Research. Wilmington, North Carolina. November 3-6, 2011. Retrieved from:
- Bajko, R. (2011). Attitudes towards the use of mobile technologies in organizations. NSF-funded Doctorial Symposium on Social Computational Systems (SoCS), Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 2011.
- Bajko, R. (2011). “Work in Progress”. GRAND-NCE Conference. Ryerson University. February, 2011.