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Rethinking migration systems through a multi-dimensional approach

The Complex Migration Flows and Multiple Drivers in Comparative Perspective (MEMO) is a six-year-long (2022 - 2028) research project that examines internal, interregional, and intercontinental migration flows and drivers across three main regions: South/Southeast Asia [Bangladesh, Nepal and Malaysia], West Africa [Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and the Ivory Coast| and the Americas | El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Canada]. With the generous funding of $2.5 million from SSHRC's Partnership Grant, MEMO brings together a diverse, multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary team of 38 academics and 32 partner organizations across three continents.

Towards a new migration and asylum research agenda for the Americas (external link) . (2023) Special Issue in the Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies edited by Craig Damian Smith and Claudia Masferrer. 


Assessing populations exposed to climate change: A focus on Africa in a global context (external link) . (2023) by Daniela Ghio, Anne Goujon, Fabrizio Natale, Alessandrini Alfredo & Thomas Petroliagkis.

 (PDF file) Complex migration flows and multiple drivers: What do we know? (2023) by Anna Triandafyllidou, Daniela Ghio, Luisa Veronis & Robert McLeman.

The global governance of migration: Towards a ‘messy’ approach (external link)  by Anna Triandafyllidou in International Migration.

MEMO Opportunities 

**Two Research Assistant Vacancies**

Opportunities for two Research Assistants (based in Malaysia) for the Complex Migration Flows and Multiple Drivers in Comparative Perspective (MEMO) project:

➡️ RA1: Research Assistant focusing on Bangladeshi migrants in Malaysia; and

➡️ RA2: Research Assistant focusing on Nepali migrants in Malaysia.

Main tasks: Assist with data collection and interview transcription (plus translation where necessary).

The RAs will work closely with Senior Assistant Professor  Sin Yee Koh in Asian Migration, Mobility and Diaspora at the Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, as part of the MEMO South Asia regional team ( (external link) ).

Contract duration and remuneration are negotiable.

Please refer to the advert for details:

Applications and enquiries: contact  Sin Yee Koh at

Please refer to the advert for details: (external link) 

Research Partners