Wellbeing at Work

As an institution, it is important that our employees are able to take care of themselves and their loved ones. That’s why we’re committed to creating a work culture that supports the mental health and wellbeing of our employees in keeping with our values of equity, diversity, inclusion and commitment to the whole person.

Vacation and extra holidays
At Toronto Metropolitan University, providing generous vacation and holidays reminds our employees that they should prioritize their wellbeing, spend time with their loved ones and take proactive steps to create clear boundaries between work and personal lives. We understand this is often easier said than done, and so we encourage leaders and employees to work together to prioritize vacation, sharing guidance and tools on how to do so.
Employees begin with 15 days (three weeks) of vacation. In addition to these vacation days, employees receive a paid mid-year break when the university closes for two weeks during the winter holidays. This break allows our employees to spend more time with friends and family, and time away from work to rest and recharge for the new year ahead.
Employees also receive an extra day to recharge in the summer with TMU Day, a paid holiday that takes place the Friday before the Civic Holiday long weekend.

Employee and Family Assistance Program
The Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP), administered through Telus Health, is a confidential and voluntary support service available to employees who are eligible for benefits and their immediate family members (as defined in the employee benefit plan). The EFAP offers 24-hour, seven-day-a-week support and online resources to help solve all kinds of problems and life challenges. Confidential services are available by phone, in person, and online.

Workshops to support wellbeing
Our Workplace Wellbeing Services team offers workshops throughout the year to support employee wellbeing and invite conversations about various topics related to mental health and wellbeing. Some of the topics covered include mindfulness meditation and Writing for Wellness, as well as more interest-based sessions hosted by members of the community, such as Urban Birding.

Ahnoowehpeekahmik: Staff and faculty wellbeing lounge
Our Staff and Faculty Wellbeing lounge provides a space for our employees to connect, socialize and eat, as well as to rejuvenate and rest. Along with dining and food preparation spaces, the lounge offers a space with armchairs and ottomans, and a rest area with loungers and customizable lighting.
As part of our ongoing work to Indigenize our campus, one of the priorities for the design of the lounge was to include Indigenous elements throughout. The lounge’s name, provided by TMU Elder Joanne Dallaire, is pronounced “ah-new-weh-peek-ah-mik” and is a Cree name meaning ‘a safe place to rest’.

TMU Recharge
Launched in 2020, TMU Recharge encourages employees and their leaders to implement work norms to support their wellbeing and ensure a healthy work-life balance.
Some of these norms include avoiding evening or weekend emails unless urgent, ending meetings by 6 p.m. at the latest, booking meetings in 25- or 50-minute increments and using the scheduled send function in Gmail to avoid sending emails outside of work hours.