Haomiao Yu
Curriculum Vitae (external link, opens in new window)
Teaching Fields
Microeconomics, Mathematical Economics, Game Theory, Industrial Organization
Selected Publications
Yu, H. “On Comparisons of Information Structures with Infinite States,” (with M.A. Khan and Z. Zhang), Journal of Economic Theory, accepted.
Yu, H., “The individualistic foundation of equilibrium distribution, ” (with X. Sun and Y. Sun), Journal of Economic Theory, 189, Article 105083.
Yu, H. “On the equivalence of large individualized and distributionalized games'' (with M. A. Khan, K. P. Rath and Y. Zhang), Theoretical Economics, 12, 533-554, 2017
Yu, H. “On the Nash equilibrium correspondence of a large game with traits: a complete characterization'' (with L. Qiao and Z. Zhang), Games and Economic Behavior, 99, 89-98, 2016
Yu, H. “Strategic uncertainty and the ex-post Nash property in non-atomic games” (with M.A. Khan, K.P. Rath and Y.N. Sun), Theoretical Economics, 10, 103-129, 2015
Yu, H. “On the space of players in idealized limit games” (with L. Qiao), Journal of Economic Theory,153, 177-190, 2014.
Yu, H. “Rationalizability in large games,” Economic Theory, 55, 457-479, 2014.
Yu, H. “Large games with a bio-social topology” (with M.A. Khan, K.P. Rath and Y.N. Sun), Journal of Economic Theory, 148, 1122-1149, 2013.