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Communications related to COVID-19: Implications for CUPE Local 3904, Unit 3

1. TA/GA performance evaluations

For the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 terms, faculty members and contract lecturers who are Supervising Instructors for TAs/GAs are required to complete a performance evaluation of the TA/GA prior to the end of the semester.

Supervising Instructors are encouraged to communicate with their TA/GA to advise them when they can expect the evaluation. 

For your reference, an electronic copy of the performance evaluation form that is required to be completed can be found at on the CUPE Local 3904, Unit 3 Collective Agreement web page.

2. Work and pay implications

Your work is still important to the university and where possible should continue remotely from an alternate location. Please connect with your supervisor/leader to discuss what can continue, and how to prioritize work assignments during this period.

What is Ryerson’s commitment to current Unit 3 employees during this time period

Ryerson is committed to pay continuity for the duration of your current contract.

How many hours will I be paid for?

TA/GA or Lab Monitor

If you are a TA/GA supporting the delivery of a course or lab monitor with a contract that has a set number of hours you will be paid for the hours remaining in your contract.


If you have been hired by a Department or a School as an invigilator and are assigned to work an invigilation shift you will be paid for the hours of the shift. Should you be unable to work this assigned shift during the COVID-19 pandemic you will be paid for the assigned hours of the shift. The inability to work the assigned shift would be as a result of illness or the work is no longer available and alternate work cannot be assigned.

If you work more than the assigned hours you will be paid for the additional hours worked.