
Your professors are dedicated to your development as a student, engineer and individual. They make classroom and lab learning exciting and hands-on, connect you with employers, and ensure your participation in research is meaningful. More than teachers, your professors are mentors, renowned researchers and leaders.
Our departmental staff is here to make sure you have access to all the tools you need to succeed in the program. From guidance with co-op placements to general administration and technical support, the team at the Department of Civil Engineering is here for you.
Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science Directory
The team at the Dean’s Office in the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (FEAS) is happy to help with your questions and concerns, or to direct you to the resources you need. Contact us for information about research and partnerships, admissions, guidance for first-year students and more. Search for Dean's Office staff.
For contact information for professors, and to learn more about their research interests and unique approaches to teaching, explore our faculty member directory.