
Dr. Ahmet Emre Karataş Click here for Dr. Karatas' CV (external link, opens in new window)
Current Appointments:
Assistant Professor | Aerospace Engineering, Toronto Metropolitan University
Affiliate Scientist | Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Science and Technology, St. Michael's Hospital
Adjunct Professor, Status Only | UTIAS, University of Toronto
PhD – University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies, 2014
MASc – University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies, 2009
BSc – Middle East Technical University, Aerospace Engineering, 2007
Oytun Öner (2023–2027)
Soot Formation at High Pressures
Daniel Cormier (2022–2026)
Development of a 2D Laser Induced Incandescence
Yash Rajan (2021–2025)
Fuel Preheating Effects on Soot Formation
Talia de Ryck (2021–2023)
Effects of Feedback Loops on Soot Formation
Awon Sharjeel (2021–2023)
Characterization of Respiratory Flows
Madeline McQueen (2020–2022)
Hybrid-Electric Propulsion
Awarded Ryerson Graduate Scholarship RGS
Winner of Aviation Week Network's 20 Twenties (external link)
Aryan Nobakht (2022–2024)
Soot Formation of Fuel Mixtures at Elevated Pressures
Marek Serwin (2020–2022)
Soot Formation in Oscillating Flames
Pascal Leung (2019–2020)
Design and Construction of a New Co-flow Burner
Paul Chinnam (2019–2020)
Design and Construction of a Thermophoretic Sampling System to Collect Soot from Flames
Ashwinraj Gnanavel (2019–2020)
Design and Development of a Multi-colour Soot Emission Diagnostics to Measure Soot Temperature and Concentration
Mohamed Azouz (2019–2020)
Soot Measurements in Atmospheric Laminar Diffusion Flames of Gaseous Biofuels
Awarded NSERC USRA, Awarded FEAS URE
Rushank Trivedi (2020)
Spectral Soot Emission Data Analysis
Awarded FEAS URO
Mattias Cheung (2022–2023)
Construction of a Spectrometer
Shankavie Gnaneswara (2022–2023)
Construction of a Spectrometer
Christian Hui (2021)
Toronto Ambient Air Quality Impacts from COVID-19 (Co-supervised by Dr. Fatih Sekercioglu)
Recipient of Vanier Scholarship