Urban Water TMU at Oceanwise Networking Event

Ocean Wise is an environmental charity that aims to protect and restore the world's oceans. Founded in 1951 and former operator of the Vancouver Aquarium, it continues to bring forth tremendous expertise to educate the voting public on the importance of protecting and restoring a diversity of freshwater and marine life. On February 2nd, Urban Water TMU graduate students Brieanna Limkilde and Bryant M. Serre attended Ocean Wise’s networking event, “Building Bridges- Tackling the Environmental and Social Challenges of Our Time."
Bryant delivered a talk on the research of the Urban Water Research Centre — highlighting how multidisciplinary perspectives support applied-research within plastics, emerging substances of concern, and salt management. Brieanna discussed her master’s thesis on intra-specific variation in tolerances to salt among zooplankton in Southern Ontario, and the environmental implications of road salting on freshwater zooplankton within the context of the Global Salt Initiative (GSI). Please see more here: https://www.torontomu.ca/water/freshwater-science---governance/research/highlighting-stephanie-melles--research-on-freshwater-salinizati/
This networking event was well attended by folks interested in learning more about environmental research with diverse backgrounds (e.g., consulting and the general public). Also in attendance were members of the OceanBridge youth-service learning program which is a part-time program for 19 to 30 year olds to learn, network, and become involved with ocean and freshwater research across local and national scales!