Grades & academic standing
Everything you need to know about your grades seminar recording
Your final grades and academic standing will be posted on MyServiceHub approximately two weeks after the official end of the term.
Your grades will be calculated using TMU’s undergraduate grading scale. Your academic standing will be based on your cumulative grade point average (CGPA).
To check your grades and academic standing, go to your student center on MyServiceHub and click grades/standing under the academics heading.
Your academic standing affects your ability to take courses in the upcoming semester. Therefore, it is critical that you check your academic standing in case it is not clear. A clear standing is required to graduate.
Grades and academic standings are governed by policy 170(a): Undergraduate course grading, academic program standing, and eligibility to graduate
Cumulative GPA (CGPA) - Average of all courses you have taken up to date
Term GPA (TGPA) - Average of your courses for one term
Course repeats and your GPA
You may attempt the same course up to three times (i.e., enroll initially, repeat once, repeat twice = three enrolments).
When you repeat a course, the most recent grade will be used in the calculation of your GPA, even if the newer grade is lower. All attempts will be recorded on your transcript.
If you fail a program-required course (for example, ACC 100), you must repeat it to satisfy your degree requirements. If you fail a required course for the third time, you will be assigned an academic standing of permanent program withdrawal (PPW).
If you fail an open elective/liberal studies course, you have two options:
- Repeat the same course, and the grade earned for the repeated course is substituted for the earlier grade when calculating your GPA.
- Instead of retaking the same course, you may take a different course from the same elective table (example: open elective table) and submit a GPA adjustment request form to request a course replacement.
What does my academic standing mean?
What does it mean?
Your CGPA is 1.67 and above.
None, you may continue your studies.
Next steps
You are performing satisfactorily, and no further action is required.
What Does it Mean?
- Your CGPA is between 1.00 – 1.66; or
- You are a first year student with a CGPA of less than 1.00 after your first semester of study; or
- You have been reinstated to your program after a Required to Withdraw (RTW) period.
- You must arrange a Probationary Contract with TRSM Student Advising. With the authorization of your program department, you may continue your studies in the subsequent term.
A Probationary Contract outlines a specific plan for studies and academic support during your term of Probation. The plan will set out a group of specific courses that, if successfully completed with suitable grades, will raise your CGPA. The Probationary contract will include a reduced course load.
Next Steps
- Check your email for information about Probationary standing.
- Schedule an appointment with your student advisor, finalize a Probationary Contract, and to develop some strategies for success.
What Does it Mean?
- Your CGPA is less than 1.00 (unless you are enrolled in your first semester); or
- Your term GPA fell below 1.67 while you were on Probation; or
- You have violated the conditions set out in your Probationary Contract; or
- You failed to negotiate a Probationary Contract within the established timelines.
- You may not enrol in any TMU credit course for a period of 12 months (3 academic terms). Courses taken at another institution during this period of suspension will NOT count toward your graduation requirements for your TMU degree program.
Next Steps
- Check your email and mailbox for information about your RTW Standing.
- Visit the Registrar’s Office Program Reinstatement / Required to Withdraw (RTW) page
- You may ask to take part in The Fresh Start Program
- Prepare to apply for reinstatement or to transfer into another program.
What Does it Mean?
- Your academic performance has resulted in a ‘RTW’ Standing for a second time; or
- You have failed a course required by your program for the third time; or
- You have not met the terms of your Probationary Contract; or
- You have been denied reinstatement to your program for a second time.
- You are withdrawn from your program and you may not apply for reinstatement into that program.
- You can apply for admission to a different program for the Fall semester of the following calendar year.
Next Steps
- Check your email and mailbox for information about your PPW Standing.
- If you wish to apply to a different program, contact Undergraduate Admissions for application deadlines and other admissions information.
SVW standing is only applicable to students in the School of Accounting & Finance (SAF) here at TRSM
What Does it Mean?
- Your TGPA is 1.67 or higher, AND
- You have not met SAF's Academic Standing Variation requirements (Minimum C+ in AFA 100, AFA 200, AFF 210, AFF 310, QMS 130)
- You will be permanently withdrawn from your current program and you cannot apply for reinstatement.
- You will be eligible for consideration to transfer to other undergraduate programs for which you are eligible without waiting a suspension period (subject to the competitive admissions process and application timelines).
Next Steps
- Prepare to apply to transfer into another program (See: TMU Admissions).
- You may enroll in Chang School classes without waiting a suspension period.
What Does it Mean?
- You have committed Academic Misconduct
See Policy 60: Academic Integrity
- You are not allowed to enrol in any course at the University during your period of Disciplinary Suspension.
Next Steps
- After you have served your period of Disciplinary Suspension you must contact your Department/School to make arrangements for reinstatement.
Fresh start program
The fresh start program is part of TMU's overall support strategy for students in academic jeopardy. Fresh start is a two-term program designed to assist students with required to withdraw (RTW) standing in resuming their studies.
In the first term, students are required to take the Fresh start strategies course and up to two credit courses. Those courses are to be chosen in consultation with a student's Student Advisor.
Students may take up to four credit courses in the second term, again selected after discussion with an academic program advisor.
Students who successfully complete the fresh start strategies course and meet the requirements of their fresh start contracts may resume studies following their second term of the program.
Normal undergraduate tuition fees will be assessed for any credit courses taken. A fee will also be assessed for the mandatory Fresh Start Strategies course.