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Joanne Mcneish

Dr. Joanne McNeish

Associate Professor
DepartmentMarketing Management
EducationBA, MBA, PhD
OfficeTRS 1-115
Phone416-979-5000, ext. 552425


Joanne's research takes a unique perspective on exploring innovation adoption. While most research focuses on consumers’ reactions to adopting new technologies, her research focuses on their refusal to give up incumbent (analog) technologies. Rather than identifying users’ intransigence as it is currently conceptualized, Joanne believes that the behaviour should be labelled as resistance to discontinuing an incumbent technology because of the concurrent appearance of simultaneous technology use behaviour.

Joanne focuses on understanding the attitudes and behaviour of simultaneous technology users. Consumers who display simultaneous use behaviour have consciously considered the benefits of both the incumbent and replacement technology. The long-term use of both suggests that they believe each technology has significant benefits that one or the other does not. When a company attempts to remove the incumbent technology from use, consumers’ distrust of the company increases.

Joanne is particularly interested in paper documents (e.g. bills and statements, textbooks, flyers, catalogues) as powerful examples of resilient technologies used simultaneously with digital technologies.  Paper documents are fascinating to explore since they are widely available and consumers are very familiar with them. However, until her research, their meaning and function to consumers have been obscured from researchers’ view due to their ubiquity and familiarity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Joanne documented how paper signs were critical in communicating new social distancing behaviours to customers.

Before joining the Ted Rogers School of Management, Joanne held senior research, marketing and advertising positions in public and private sector companies. In 2002, she was made a Professional Marketing Research Society Fellow. The PMRS Fellows program provides deserving recognition to those who have made distinguished contributions to marketing research in Canada. Joanne was one of the youngest candidates and one of only a handful of women to be so honoured. She received her PhD (Management) from the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University in 2010.

Simultaneous use, resistance to discontinuing, incumbent technology, replacement technology, paper documents (books, flyers, catalogues, invoices and bills), trust and distrust, redundancy, permanence, branding, advertising, innovation adoption, tourism and entertainment, retail, banking, and postal administrations.

Journal articles and Academic presentations
McNeish, J. and Tsigos, M. (2023). Hugo Boss - Managing the Brands During Periods of Transformation. 2023 North American Case Research Association Conference. October 5-7, 2023. San Antonio, Texas. USA.
McNeish, J. (2023). How Printers and the Development of their Technology Were Part of Evolution of Edinburgh Festival Fringe. 2023 CHARM, June 1-3, 2023. Durham, North Carolina. USA. 
McNeish, J.E. and Neufeldt, J. (2022). Can Nestlé Transform from a Corporation That ‘Talks About Doing Good’ to ‘Doing Good’ for the Environment? In: Bhattacharyya, J. (eds) Dealing with Socially Responsible Consumers. Palgrave Macmillan. Singapore. (external link) 
Francescucci, A., McNeish, J. and Taylor, N. (2022). Introduction to Marketing. Open Education Textbook.
McNeish, J. (2022). How Retiring Employees Can Facilitate Knowledge Sharing Activities. Available at SSRN: hhtps://
Gruzd, A. and McNeish, J., Halevi, L.D. and Phillips, M. (2021). Seeing Self in Data: The Effect of a Privacy Literacy Intervention on Facebook Users’ Behaviour. Available at SSRN: (external link) .
Neufeldt, J. and McNeish, J. (2021). Let Me Entertain You: Musical Theatre Performance During Covid-19. 2021 Atlantic Schools of Business Conference Proceedings (Online).
McNeish, J. (2020). “A Visitor Attraction: Printing for Tourists”, Centre for Printing History and Culture, July 14-15, 2020, The Hub, Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria, UK.
McNeish, J. (2019). “Paper Flyers in the Age of Social Media”, 2019 Conference on Historical Analysis & Research in Marketing (CHARM): Exploring Identity Building: Marketing History as an Instrument of Transformation, May 16-19, 2019, Ottawa, ON. Canada.
McNeish, J. (2019). “Cyber Attacks in Banking: Why Many Digital Users Continue to Insist on Paper Bills and Statements”, 2019 “Revisiting the Information Future: The Internet and Beyond,” the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Symposium, March 28-29, 2019, Hamline School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota.
McNeish, J. (2019). “But, It’s Not My Fault, How Students and IT Providers Underestimate Risks of Self-Serve Technology”, 2019 Ryerson IT Conference, May 23, 2019, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON Canada
McNeish, J. (2019). “Exploring the Power of Social Media Platforms and Cloud-Based Software to Limit Access to Consumers’ Data” (Poster), 2019 Lazaridis Marketing Symposium, April 26, 2019, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON Canada.
Gruzd, A. and Jacobson, J. (Organizers); Panelists Burkell, J, McNeish, J. and Quanhasse, A. (2018) “Social Media Users' Privacy Expectations and the Ethics of Using Their Data by Third Parties”, 2018 Association of Internet Researchers Conference: Transnational Materialities, 10-13 October 2018, Montreal, QC, Canada.
McNeish, J., A. Francescucci and U. Hazra (2016). “Exploring Consumers’ Reluctance to Give Up Local Hard Drives After Adopting the Cloud. (external link, opens in new window) ” Journal of Information Communications, and Ethics, 14(2), 9-20.
McNeish, J., M. Foster, A. Levin (2016). “Holding Users Hostage: Data Portability on Social Media and Cloud-Based Platforms.” Interim Presentation, Dean’s Research Series, Ryerson University. Toronto. ON, Canada. November 2016.
McNeish, J. (2016).”Adoption or Not, It’s Just Not That Simple.” Final Presentation. Dean’s Research Series, Ryerson University. Toronto. ON, Canada. April 2016.
Kolan, B. and J. McNeish (2015). “Confronting the Illusion of Technological Expertise Among College and University Students (external link, opens in new window) .” Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism, & Practice. 7(1). 1-21.
McNeish, J. and I. Yavetz (2015). ”Beyond Functionality - Exploring the Differences Between Paper and Digital Maps: The Traveller’s Perspective. (external link, opens in new window) ” Presented at 2015 Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada Conference. September 23-25, 2015. Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.
Yavetz, I. and J. McNeish (2015). “Creating Tangible Experiences and Memories: Identifying Simultaneous Users of Traditional and Innovative Services.” Presented at 14th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management. June 18-21, 2015, Shanghai, China
McNeish, J. (2015). “Consumer Trust and Distrust: Retaining Paper Bills in Online Banking. (external link, opens in new window) ” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(1), 5-22. **Selected by journal’s editorial team as a Highly Commended Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence
McNeish, J. and U. Hazra (2014) “Interpreting Simultaneous Use of an Existing Technology and its Replacement Innovation (external link, opens in new window) .” International Journal of Technology Marketing, 9 (4), 376-391. Database.
McNeish, J., M. Foster, A. Francescucci and B. West (2014). “Exploring E-book Adopters' Resistance to Giving Up Paper”. International Journal of the Book, 11(4). Database.  
McNeish, J. A. Francescucci, and U. Hazra (2014). ”The Cloudy Future: Simultaneous Users’ Perceptions of the Cloud and Local Storage.” 47th Academy of Marketing Conference Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Space. Dorset, UK. July 8-10.
McNeish, J. (2014). ”Comparing Paper and e-Book Usage Among Different Types of Simultaneous Users.” 47th Academy of Marketing Conference Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Space. Dorset, UK. July 8-10. (Poster).
McNeish, J. (2014). “The Curious Case of Innovators Who Simultaneously Resist Giving Up Paper Bills (external link) .” 2014 ICAR Symposium. Kiel, Germany. July 4-5, 2014,
McNeish, J. (2014). “Digital Native Parents’ Resistance to Giving Up Paper Books.”  2014 Media Ecology Conference, Confronting Technopoly: Creativity and Creative Industries in Global Perspective. Toronto, ON, Canada. June 19-22, 2014.
McNeish, J. and B. Kolan (2014). “A Cross-Cultural Study on Digital Delivery of Academic Course Content.” International Conference on Higher Education, 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel, 14-16 March 2014.
McNeish, J., M. Foster, A. Francescucci and B. West (2012). “The Surprising Foil to Online Education: Why Students Won’t Give Up Paper Textbooks (external link, opens in new window) .” Journal of Advancement in Marketing Education, 20 (3), 37-48. Print and Database. 
McNeish, J. and I. Mann (2010). “Knowledge Sharing and Trust in Organizations (external link, opens in new window) .” The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management. 8 (1&2), 18-38. Database  
Source Research Funding
TRSM Matching Funds Changes in Bill Presentment As a Result of the Covid-19 Pandemic 2022-2023
TRSM Matching Funds Semiotic Analysis of Retail Signs 2020-2021
TRSM Research Fund Decaronization, Climate Change and Marketing Professionals 2020-2021
TRSM Innovative Teaching Fund Evaluation of Self-Reflection Ability on Academic Performance in Case Analysis  2016-2017
TRSM Research Fund  
Holding Users Hostage: Data Portability on Social Media and  Cloud-Based Platforms 2016-2017
Pharmaceutical Company Determining the Opportunities for Growth for a New Biopharmaceutical Product 2015
TRSM Research Fund Adoption or Not: It’s Just Not That Simple 2014-2015
Academic Research Assistant Program Exploring Differences in the Use of Off-line and On-line Media by New and Unknown Performers 2013-2014
SSHRC-SIG  Developing an Understanding of Consumers’ Simultaneous Use of The Cloud and Local Storage 2013-2014
Honours / Awards
Co-Recipient of 2020/2021 TRSM Teaching Innovation Award
Selected for “Good Teaching Experiences” Video Project (based on undergraduate student submission describing professors who were accommodating, inclusive and used diverse teaching practices) 
The paper entitled “Consumer Trust and Distrust: Retaining Paper Bills in Online Banking” selected by the journal’s editorial team as a Highly Commended Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence
Member, Yeates School of Graduate Studies, Toronto Metropolitan University.
Fellow, Professional Marketing Research Society
Fundamentals of Marketing
Advanced International Marketing
Marketing Research
Consumer Behaviour
Integrated Case Analysis
Fundamentals of Marketing
New Product Management
Assessing and Managing Market Opportunities
Consumer Behaviour
Technology Marketing
Marketing Management
Marketing Research
Graduate Supervisions:
In addition to classroom teaching, to date Joanne has been supervisor or second reader on 30 M.B.A. research projects as well as acting as a PhD candidate examiner.