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Mahdi Roghanizad

Dr. Mahdi Roghanizad

Assistant Professor
DepartmentHR Management & Organizational Behaviour
EducationB.S. Electrical Eng., M.B.A., M.A.Sc., Ph.D.
OfficeTRS 1-103
Phone416-979-5000, ext. 556734


Dr. Mahdi Roghanizad is an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour. His main research interest lies in the intersection of social psychology and computer-mediated communication. He is particularly interested in the effect of mediated communication on communicants’ social behaviour and predictions. He is also interested in decision-making processes employed by online buyers to trust a previously unknown website and biases in decision-making demonstrated by recipients of phishing emails (i.e. human factor in cybersecurity). His work has been published in Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin and featured in the Harvard Business Review.

Research CentreComputer-Mediated Interpersonal Communication Lab (opens in new window) 

Contrasting Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Communication with regard to Influence, Social Prediction and Perspective-Taking, Online and Interpersonal Trust, Evolutionary Psychology, Quantitative Research.

Note for prospective graduate students:

If you're an international student with a strong academic background and an interest in the human side of computer-mediated communication, please  (google form) fill out this form (external link, opens in new window)  and follow the instructions. I will review your profile and, if it’s a good fit, assist you with the formal application process.

Refereed Journal Articles
Roghanizad, M. M. & Turetken, O. (2024). Resource-seeking and media choice process: A case of irrational decision making. International Journal of Information Management, 74, 102714.

Roghanizad, M. M., & Bohns, V. K. (2022). Should I Ask Over Zoom, Phone, Email, or In-Person? Communication Channel and Predicted vs. Actual Compliance. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(7), 1163-1172.

Featured in Harvard Business Review article ‘Need a Favor? Research Suggests It’s Best to Ask In Person (external link, opens in new window) ’.

Roghanizad, M. M., & Bohns, V. K. (2017). Ask in Person: You're Less Persuasive than You Think over Email. (external link, opens in new window)  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 69, 223-226.

Featured in Harvard Business Review article ‘A Face-to-Face Request is 34 Times More Successful than an Email’ (external link, opens in new window) .

Roghanizad, M. M. & Neufeld, D. (2015). Intuition, Risk, and the Formation of Online Trust (external link, opens in new window) . Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 489–498.

Featured in Harvard Business Review article ‘Research: How Customers Decide Whether to Buy from Your Website’ (external link, opens in new window) .

Bohns, V. K., Roghanizad, M. M., & Xu, A. Z. (2014). Underestimating Our Influence over Others’ Unethical Behavior and Decisions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40 (3), 348-362.

Featured in New York Times article ‘Would you lie for me? Why we underestimate our powers of persuasion (external link, opens in new window) ’.

Refereed Conference Presentations
Roghanizad, Mahdi; Choi, Ellen; Mashatan, Atefeh (Atty); and Turetken, Ozgur, "Mindfulness and Cybersecurity Behavior: A comparative analysis of rational and intuitive cybersecurity decisions (external link, opens in new window) " (2021). AMCIS 2021 Proceedings. 13.
White, R., Neufeld, D.J. & Roghanizad, M. (2017).  (PDF file) Media Naturalness and the Ability to Predict Generosity in a Give-Some – Get-Some Interaction (external link, opens in new window) . 50th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Kona, HI.
Roghanizad, M. M. & Neufeld, D. (2015). Intuition, Risk, and the Formation of Online Trust: The Asymmetric Effect of Risk on System1 vs. System2. Poster Presentation at the Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research Conference, Rotman School of Management, Toronto, ON.
Bohns, V., Roghanizad, M. M. & Xu, A. (2014). I Can't Believe You Agreed to That! Underestimating Our Influence over Others’ Unethical Behavior. Paper Presented in C. Rader and V. Bohns (Co-Chairs), Under and Over-Estimating Our Influence over Others at Work, Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.
Roghanizad, M. M. & Bohns, V. K. (2013). Estimating the Effectiveness of Computer-Mediated Help-Seeking. Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference.
Working Papers
White, R.E., Neufeld, D. & Roghanizad, M. M. Predicting Cooperation: The Medium is the Message
Roghanizad, M. M. Facial Expressions and Prediction of Future Cooperativeness.
Roghanizad, M. M. Are Friends as Influential as They Think in Mediated Communication?
Roghanizad, M. M. Why do Help-Seekers Choose to Ask over Email? Embarrassment and its Effect on Medium Selection.
Roghanizad, M. M. Navigation Path and Online Trust Formation.
Media Interviews
Roghanizad, M.M. Interview with Wei Chen. Ontario Morning. CBC Radio – Live phone interview (June 06, 2017).
minute 44:45 (external link, opens in new window) 
Roghanizad, M.M. Interview with Sebastian Leck. National Post (May 31, 2017).
Roghanizad, M. M. Interview with Paul Mayne. Western News (May 10, 2017).
Available at:
Roghanzid, M. M. Phone Interview with Bob Steele. Afternoon Drive. CBC (Apr. 28, 2017).
Course code Course title
MHR 405 Organizational Behaviour
Honour / Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), University of Waterloo, 2013-2014.
President Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo, 2013-2014.
Graduate research studentship, University of Waterloo, 2012-2016.