Dr. André Laplume
Dr. Laplume has a decade of experience working as a business and information technology consultant in corporate Canada. He has performed many roles, including business analyst, systems analyst, project manager, practice leader, and integration architect. He co-founded a data science start-up called LaunchScore.com, which used big data analytics to suggest optimal locations and business types for traditional small business entrepreneurs.His doctoral research used computer simulation and qualitative research to develop models of strategic innovation. After his PhD, he worked at Michigan Tech where he helped to develop the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the university and delivered entrepreneurship courses. His teaching philosophy combines the Harvard case method with the Socratic method, together with experiential projects.
He joined the Ted Rogers School of Management in the fall of 2018 and became director of the research-based graduate programs at Ted Rogers after being admitted to the Yeates School of Graduate Studies in 2019.
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Dr. Laplume studies and teaches entrepreneurship and strategy. His research questions the validity, vitality, and sometimes, the villainy of incumbent firms’ strategies vis-à-vis new entrants, especially entrepreneurs. He is interested in the competitive and institutional barriers preventing potential entrepreneurs from launching new ventures successfully. He also studies the preparatory experiences of entrepreneurs that help to develop entrepreneurial capacity.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles |
Laplume, A. O. 2021. Evidence of an inverted u-shaped relationship between stakeholder management performance variation and firm performance. Business Ethics Quarterly, In Press. |
Yeganegi, S., Laplume, A. O., Dass, P. 2021. The role of information availability: A longitudinal analysis of technology entrepreneurship. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 170, 120910. |
Salvato, J., Laplume, A.O., 2020. Agile Stage Gate Management for physical product firms. R&D Management, 50(5): 631-647. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/radm.12426 |
Laplume, A., Walker, K., Zhang, Z. & Yu. X. 2020. Incumbent stakeholder management performance and new entry. Journal of Business Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-020-04629-8 |
Laplume, A.O. 2021. From instrumental stakeholder theory to stakeholder capitalism. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press. In Press. |
Laplume, A., Walker, K., Zhang, Z. & Yu. X. 2020. incumbent stakeholder management performance and new entry. Journal of Business Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-020-04629-8 |
Salvato, J., Laplume, A.O. 2020. Agile Stage Gate Management for physical product firms. R&D Management, 50(5): 631-647. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/radm.12426 |
Yeganegi, S., Dass, P., Laplume, A.O., Greidanus, N. S. 2018. Individual-level ambidexterity and entrepreneurial entry. In press at: Journal of Small Business Management. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jsbm.12405. |
Laplume, A.O., Petersen, B., Pearce, J. M. 2016. Global value chains from a 3D printing perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 47: 595-609. |
Yeganegi, S., Laplume, A.O., Dass, P., Huynh, C. L. 2016. Where do spinouts come from? The role of technology relatedness and institutional context. Research Policy, 45(5): 1103-1112. |
Xavier-Oliveira, E., Laplume, A.O., Pathak, S. 2015. What motivates entrepreneurial entry under economic inequality? The role of human and financial capital. Human Relations, 68(7): 1183-1207. |
Laplume, A.O., Dass, P. 2015. Outstreaming for ambidexterity: Evolving a firm’s core business from components to systems by serving internal and external customers. Long Range Planning, 48: 135-150. |
Laplume, A.O., Xavier-Oliveira, E., Dass, P., Thakur, R. 2015. The organizational advantage in early inventing and patenting: Empirical evidence from interference proceedings. Technovation, 43: 40-48. |
Pathak, S., Laplume, A., Xavier-Oliveira, E. 2015. Inbound foreign direct investment and domestic entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 27(5-6): 334-356. |
Laplume, A.O., Pathak, S., Oliveira, E. M. R. 2014. The politics of intellectual property rights regimes: An empirical study of new technology use in entrepreneurship. Technovation, 34(12): 807-816. |
Srivastava, M. K., Laplume, A.O. 2014. Matching technology strategy with knowledge structure: Implications on firm’s Tobin’s q in the semiconductor industry. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 33: 93-112. |
Pathak, S., Xavier-Oliveira, E., Laplume, A.O. 2013. Influence of intellectual property, foreign investment, and technological adoption on technology entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Research, 66(10): 2090-2101. |
Laplume, A.O., Sonpar, K., Litz, R.A. 2008. Stakeholder theory: A longitudinal review of a theory that moves us. Journal of Management, 32(6): 1152-1189. |
Dr. Laplume has experience teaching strategic management, entrepreneurship, and technology and innovation management at both the undergraduate and MBA levels.
At Ryerson, he has taught: