Metropolitan Planning Graduate Student Association

The Metropolitan Planning Graduate Student Association (MPGSA) is an organization that represents Urban Development (MPl) students at Toronto Metropolitan University. We deal with student concerns and provide a link between students and the administration, faculty, and the Ontario Professional Planners Institute. The MPGSA is run by an elected executive team, along with volunteers from the student body.
Contact us at: and follow us on our MPGSA LinkedIn (external link) .

President, MPGSA

Vice President, MPGSA

Finance, MPGSA

Vice President of Marketing, MPGSA

First Year Representative, MPGSA

First Year Representative, MPGSA

Marketing Logistics Officer, MPGSA Marketing Committee

Newsletter Officer, MPGSA Marketing Committee

Environmental Sustainability Director, MPGSA Sustainability Committee

Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, MPGSA Sustainability Committee

Alumni Relations Representative, MPGSA Alumni Relations Committee

EDIC Communications Officer, MPGSA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

EDIC Operations Officer, MPGSA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The RGSA organizes an informal Mentor Program to help incoming graduate students transition into the School of Urban and Regional Planning. First year students will be paired with a second year student who can answer any questions or concerns they may have throughout their academic year. The goal of this program is to create strong ties between first and second year students and foster a supportive student community.
Questions about the program can be directed to any of the executive council members.