monique tschofen
I am currently on sabbatical and a Visiting Senior Fellow at Massey College. My current solo research projects reread Gertrude Stein's early portraits as works of radical philosophy. I am working with the Decameron Collective (external link) on an exhibition of digitally augmented one-of-a-kind artbooks, and using this to think about media, as well as finding experimental applications for large language models.
Recent publications
Refereed Journal Articles:
“’The Sight of a Reason’: Philosophical Thinking as a Plastic Art in Gertrude Stein’s Literary Portraits.” Modernism/Modernity. Under revise and resubmit.
Armstrong, Jolene, Monique Tschofen, Angela Joosse, Izabella Pruska-Oldenhof, and Kari Maaren. “What the Body Remembers: VR as Site of Preservation in Memory Eternal | Вічная Пам'ять.” MATLIT: Materialities of Literature. In Press.
Siobhan O’Flynn, Jolene Armstrong, Monique Tschofen, Lai-Tze Fan, Angela Joosse, Caitlin Fisher, Kari Maaren, Izabella Pruska-Oldenhof, Kelly Egan. “Imagine the World Anew”: Documentary Making, Story-telling Practice and Creation as Feminist Collaboration and Care in a Time of Crisis,” Convergence. Submitted Summer 2023.
Tschofen, Monique, Siobhan O’Flynn, Jolene Armstrong, Lai-Tze Fan, Caitlin Fisher, Izabella Pruska-Oldenhof, Kari Maaren, Angela Joosse. “A Research-Creation of Care: Feminist Speculation, Collaboration, and Curation in the Digital Virtual Gallery.” University of Toronto Quarterly 93.3 Fall 2024. In press.
Tschofen, Monique and Lai-Tze Fan. “Introduction: Vibrant Materialities Across Media, Literature, and Theory / Introduction: Numéro spécial: Matérialités vibrantes à travers les médias, la littérature et la théorie.” Imaginations: A Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies 14.2 (2023). doi: 10.17742/IMAGE29699
Tschofen, Monique. “Becoming Matter/Becoming Mother: Wilding in Ali Abbasi’s Border (Gräns) | Devenir Matière/Devenir Mère en Border (Gräns) d’Ali Abbasi.” Imaginations: A Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies 14.2 (2023) doi: 10.17742/IMAGE29700
Tschofen, Monique. “The Digital Denkbild: Caitlin Fisher’s New Media Art as Philosophy.” Theory, Culture and Society. Online first: 2015. 1-19. doi: 10.1177/0263276415598
Juried Exhibitions
Careless Water, International Conference of Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS), Baranquilla, Colombia December 2-6, 2024.
Memory Eternal Interactive Film and Media Conference, Toronto, June 11 2024.
In There Behind the Door, Electronic Literature Organization’s Media Arts Festival, Florida, July 18-21, 2024.
Decameron 2.0, PhilosoPHIA Conference, Society for Continental Feminism. Mount Royal, Calgary. March 16, 2024.
Decameron 2.0. International International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling ICIDS 2023, November 11th-15th, Kobe, Japan.
Memory Eternal Вічная Пам'ять: Book of Mourning. Electronic Literature Organization Media Arts Festival. VR storyworld. Coimbra, Portugal, July 12-15, 2023.
Decameron 2.0. Electronic Literature Organization Media Arts Festival, Como Italy, May 30-June 1, 2022.
Carrie Sijia Wang, Mark Marino and Monique Tschofen “Chatbot,” included in Carrie Sijia Wang, Rituals of Social Transformation, Brooklyn’s Head Hi, Brooklyn, New York, January 26, 2024.
Non-juried Exhibitions
The Decameron Collective - Decameron 2.0: Feminist Collaborative Digital Storytelling in the New Age of the Plague. RUBIX 2022 Digital Exhibits, TMU University. https://www.TMU.ca/the-catalyst/rubix-2022/digital-exhibits/
“Hands Across Time” and “Metallics 3” (PhiloSOPHIA exhibition, Calgary AB, March 13-17 2024)
ComCult Supervisory Activities
2024 - Dylan Alsop; MA Thesis: “Climate Crisis, Youth, and Media: A Story Analysis of Geo-Doc Videos as Agents for Social Transformation.” Communications and Culture.
2023 - Griffen Horsley; MA Project: “Remediating the Necromancer: Abstracted Photoscanning and the Materiality of Grief.”
2022 - Dhvani Ramanujam; MA Project: “Screening (Im)Materiality: On Virtually Programming planetary ruins & other possibilities.”
2021 - Renée Leblanc Proctor; MA thesis: “I am inevitable”: Seriality, Nostalgia and the Marvel Cinematic Universe"
2021- Holly Chang; MA Project: “Stitching the Story of Chinese-Canadian Histories: Quilting as an Archival Medium.”
2021 - Kathleen Ballantyne; MA thesis; “Viewing the Spectacular Body of Modernity: Bourgeois Identity and the Body of the Other.”
2020 - Nicolle Payette; MA thesis: “The Cinematic Subterranean: Investigating the Cultural Significance of The Underground Through Film.”
2018 - Emily Pleasance; MA Project: “A/R/Tography as a Method of Awe: An A/R/Tographic Inquiry of The Canadian North.”
2018 - Emma Sharpe; MA Project: “Feeled Recordings: An Embodied Exploration of Archival Ephemera.”
2021 - Paul Couillard; PhD: “Rethinking Presence as a Thinking Body: Intra-Active Relationality and Animate Form.”
2020 - Daniel Browne; PhD: “Mediated Landscapes: Technology and Environment in Recent Canadian Cinema.”
2017 - Brooke Ford; PhD: “The Case for Graphic Counter-Memorials in The Comics of Joe Sacco, Art Spiegelman, Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli” Co-supervised with Andrew O’Malley.
2016 - Lai-Tze Fan; PhD: “Pre | Digital Liminalities: A Hermeneutics of the Intermedial and Materiality in the Print Intermedial Novel."
2015 - Evren Oczelcuk; PhD: “Turkey’s Internal Other: Embodiments of Taşra in the Works of Orhan Pamuk, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, and Fatih Akin.”
2013 - Aleksandra Bida; PhD: “Sweet-bitter Home: Roots/Routes and Identity.”
2012 - Kelly Egan; PhD: “Towards an Aesthetic of Visual Music: Film as Technological Transgression, Acoustic Space and Sounding the Absurd.”
2011 - Angela Joosse; PhD: “Made from Movement: Marie Menken's Arabesque, Richard Serra's Torque, and Michael Snow's This & That.”
ComCult Teaching Activities
- CC 8921 Visual Culture
- CC 9904 Perspectives in Commun and Culture Studies