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Robert Latham

Robert E. Latham

Politics & Policy
DepartmentPolitical Science (York)
Areas of Expertisepolitics of environmental knowledge and large-scale monitoring systems; security and IT; technologies of border surveillance; critical theories of sovereignty; transnational relations; migration; multiculturalism and international communication politics; human security; global governance

Interested in political economy, borders, sovereignty, politics of new media, critical theory and violence, radical political alternatives, transnational politics, governance, intervention  // spatial politics, democracy, political ecology, knowledge, post-nationality, temporality, materialism, mediality, international sociology and IR, imperialism and empire, state theory; collective action, human rights and international law; culture and conflict, global politics; world order, liberalism // Israel-Palestine, Africa, Europe, North America, Arctic

Sample of supervised ComCult projects:

2016 - Alexandra Berceanu; Project-Paper: The Artel: Collectivity and Identity (A Film)

2012 - Daniel Wiley; Thesis: Media development, information operations, and the liberal order: Mapping US mass media policy and practice in the Afghan intervention, 2001–10