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Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science

The Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (FEAS) is a beacon for a community of bright, enthusiastic and original thinkers from Canada and abroad who demonstrate academic excellence and creativity. With close to 5,000 students enrolled in nine undergraduate programs, ten master’s and six doctoral programs, we are cultivating Canada's most inter-disciplinary, action-oriented and rewarding educational experiences.

Fundraising priorities include:

  • Grad awards (with $750,000 of matching money available)
  • Undergraduate awards
  • Lab/s Student spaces (with $650,000 of matching money available)
  • Research Funding
  • CEIE (Centre for Engineering, Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
  • Leadership Institute
  • Diversity/Women in Engineering
  • Student Teams

Payroll Deduction

If you would like to make your gift via payroll deduction, please fill out the  (google form) payroll deduction form (external link) .

For more information, please contact:

Emma Grant
Executive Director, Advancement
Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
(416) 979-5000 ext. 544396

Shira Gellman
Associate Director, Development
Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
(416) 979-5000 ext. 544563