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The Chang School of Continuing Education

At The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education at Toronto Metropolitan University, we’re transforming university continuing education. With 1,500 course offerings and over 80 career-related certificate programs including Data Analytics, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics, Project Management, and Occupational Health and Safety, we’re addressing the needs of continuous learners across Canada and internationally. Our comprehensive support services, highly experienced instructors, and strong connections to industry help learners develop their capacity to contribute to a socially progressive innovation economy. In alignment with learners' preferences for flexibility, all of our courses may be completed online.

Fundraising priorities include:

Student Awards & Bursaries

Increasing Access to Post-Secondary Education

  • Spanning the Gaps - Student Awards & Bursaries

For more information, please contact:

Brendan Curran
Manager, External Relations and Outreach
The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education

Payroll Deduction

If you would like to make your gift via payroll deduction, please fill out the  (google form) payroll deduction form (external link) .