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Kenneth Pong

Sub-Ethnic Succession: Understanding the Spatial Evolution of Chinese Settlement in Toronto Between 1996 and 2006 © 2008

Emigration by ethnic Chinese sources has commanded increasing importance in Canada, and the world at large in recent history. Canada has proven to be a popular destination, due to timely combinations of push and pull factors. With about 40% of Canada's Chinese settling in the Toronto CMA, it has been influenced significantly by this migration. Recently, the Mainland Chinese enclaves have expanded northward, going from a concentration in the two central area Chinatowns to encompassing nearly all of northwest Scarborough and eastern North York. Simultaneously, while the Hong Kong Chinese still exist in significant numbers in those two areas, their enclaves have been pushed northward into Markham and Richmond Hill. Though the Taiwanese are few, they were mainly seen in North York. For the latter two subgroups, the literature implies that their global movements can be better understood in the contexts of return migration and transnationalism.
