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The faculty members who supervise and teach in the Master of Spatial Analysis cover a wide range of expertise in geography and related disciplines, as well as applications of geographic information systems (GIS) in business, retail, real-estate, economics, conservation, environment, resource management, planning, policy, public health, crime analysis, and immigration and settlement, to name but a few fields.  

Faculty members are from the program's academic home, the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, and from affiliated departments across campus. Feel free to contact individual professors from the following list through the directory or ask the MSA program director to make an initial contact.

Program Faculty Members (Department of Geography and Environmental Studies)

*Faculty members on sabbatical in either Fall 2023 and/or Winter 2024

David Atkinson (opens in new window) , Associate Professor and Department Chair
PhD Queen's University
Arctic biophysical systems, remote sensing, carbon flux, GIS and environmental analysis.

*Michal Bardecki (opens in new window) , Professor
PhD York University
Environmental assessment and decision-making, economic valuation, cumulative impact management, media and the environment, geography of Las Vegas.

Harald Bauder (opens in new window) , Professor and Academic Director, Toronto Metropolitan Centre for Immigration and Settlement (TMCIS)
PhD Wilfred Laurier University
Social, cultural and economic geography; urban geography; geographic practice; critical geographies.

Brian Ceh (opens in new window) , Associate Professor
PhD University of Western Ontario
Business and commercial geography, urban-economic studies, GIS, geo-quantitative analyses, retail and marketing geography, regional science and economic development.

Evan Cleave (opens in new window) , Assistant Professor
PhD University of Western Ontario
Local economic development, urban development and geography, place branding and marketing, business and retail geography, immigration, GIS and spatial statistics

Philip Coppack (opens in new window) , Professor
PhD University of Waterloo
Globalisation, economic geography, statistical methods, cognition and perception of urban environments.

Frank Duerden, Professor Emeritus, and Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, University of Victoria
MA University of Manitoba
Land and resource management, community impacts of climate change, sustainable development in northern Canada, circumpolar issues, land claims.

Sara Edge (opens in new window) , Associate Professor
PhD McMaster University
Environment & health: collaborative governance; knowledge integration; environmental justice & urban inequalities; policy transformation; socio-ecological systems.

*Wayne Forsythe (opens in new window) , Professor
PhD University of Salzburg, Austria
Urban Change Detection, Geospatial Analysis of Sediment Contamination, Remote Sensing, GIS.

Sutama Ghosh (opens in new window) , Associate Professor
PhD York University
Urban social geography, immigration and settlement geography, transnationalism, 'race' and racism.

Emmanuel Kyeremeh, Assistant Professor
PhD Western University
Immigrant Integration; Personal Social Networks, Immigrant Health and Wellbeing; Integration and Development; Avoidable Mortality

Mohammad Manshouri (opens in new window) , Lecturer (Limited-Term Faculty)
PhD Tehran Azad University
Water Quality, Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes, Solid Waste Management, Climate Change, and Sustainability

*Andrew A. Millward (opens in new window) , Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director, Environment and Urban Sustainability
PhD University of Waterloo
GIS and remote sensing applications in disturbance ecology and urban forestry.

*Greg Oulahen (opens in new window) , Assistant Professor
PhD University of Western Ontario
Human-environment interaction; Hazards; Risk reduction; Vulnerability to hazards; Climate change adaptation; Flood

*Tor Oiamo (opens in new window) , Associate Professor
PhD Western (Can)
Exposure assessment; environmental modelling; health risk assessment; GIS and spatial statistics; health and medical geography

Claire Oswald (opens in new window) , Associate Professor and Academic Director, Urban Water Research Centre
PhD University of Toronto
Geospatial analysis of watershed hydrology and biogeochemistry, pollutant fate and transport, water quality, landscape disturbance, urban ecosystems.

*Claus Rinner, Professor and Undergraduate Program Director, Geographic Analysis
PhD University of Bonn, Germany
Geographic visualization, spatial decision support systems, participatory GIS, Web mapping, location-based services, geodata infrastructures, health and urban applications of GIS.

Cheryl A. Rogers, Assistant Professor
PhD University of Toronto
Remote sensing; terrestrial carbon cycling; global change; plant ecophysiology; ecosystem ecology                                                         

Richard R. Shaker (opens in new window) , Associate Professor
PhD University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Environmental management; landscape dynamics & global change; spatial ecology; sustainability science; spatial analysis & quantitative methods

*Eric Vaz (opens in new window) , Professor and Graduate Program Director (Master of Spatial Analysis)
PhD New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Spatial Analysis, Geographic Information Science, Complex Systems, Neogeography, Urban and Regional Geography, Spatial Decision Support Systems, Economic Geography, Business GIS, Information Management

Lu Wang (opens in new window) , Professor
PhD York University
GIS and consumption analysis, GIS and health, spatial accessibility modeling and visualization, geostatistics, immigration and settlement, retail internationalization.

Shuguang Wang (opens in new window) , Professor
PhD University of Alberta
Geography of urban retailing, GIS applications in the study of commercial activity, Ethnic economy, Economic geography of China.

Christopher Wellen (opens in new window) , Assistant Professor
PhD University of Toronto
Mathematical Modelling, Hydrology, Water Quality, Agriculture, Urban Areas, Bayesian Statistics.

Haiqing Xu (external link) , Part-time Instructor and Director, Development Services, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
PhD The University of Sheffiield, England
Transportation, Transit land uses  


Program Faculty Members (Other Departments)

Joseph Aversa (opens in new window) , Assistant Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management
PhD Wilfred Laurier University
Retail and business decision-making, marketing geography, location decision-making, spatial big data analytics.

Murtaza Haider (opens in new window) , Associate Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management
PhD University of Toronto
Applied spatial econometrics, transportation demand forecasting, housing market analysis, and logistics management.

Tony Hernandez (opens in new window) , Professor and Director, Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity
PhD Manchester Metropolitan University, England
Retail location, business GIS, site research, location strategy, geodemographics.

Songnian Li (opens in new window) , Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
PhD University of New Brunswick
Geospatial Information Systems (GIS); Collaborative GIS and geographic visualization; Spatial decision support systems (SDSS): methods and processes, participation, system design and applications; Web-based and wireless mapping and GIS: services, architecture and software implementation; Spatiotemporal GIS: data modelling, analysis, visualization and prediction.

Stephanie Melles (opens in new window) , Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biology
PhD University of Toronto
Land and water species distributions; network theory and metrics; aquatic ecosystem classification models; optimal spatial sampling design strategies.

Pamela Robinson (opens in new window) , Associate Professor, School of Urban and Regional Planning
PhD University of Toronto
Urban sustainability, environmental design, environmental planning, urban governance, public engagement and progressive pedagogy.

*Sara K. Thompson (opens in new window) , Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology
PhD University of Toronto
Spatial distribution and social ecology of violent crime; urban violence; social inequality

Maurice Yeates, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity
PhD Northwestern University, FRSC
Spatial modeling, Business geomatics.