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Welcome to Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory (AVL)

Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory (AVL) is a research laboratory at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), led by Prof. Reza Faieghi, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering. AVL is at the forefront of cutting-edge research and development in the field of autonomous vehicles, with a primary focus on unmanned aerial vehicles, popularly known as drones.

AVL’s overarching goal is to enable provably safe operation of autonomous vehicles. We diligently pursue this goal by conducting cutting-edge research encompassing both hardware and software aspects of vehicles, with a particular focus on perception, motion planning, and motion control.

Our laboratory boasts a talented team of international aerospace engineers, many of whom have honed their skills through participation in TMU's long-standing winning aerospace design teams. This diverse pool of expertise enables AVL to excel in both hardware and software research of drones.

At AVL, we take pride in our hardware and software capabilities, allowing us to design innovative drones, and efficiently build and integrate their various components such as airframes, avionics, and propulsion systems. Through the use of open-hardware platforms and open-source software like PX4 Autopilot and Robot Operating System (ROS), we strive for innovation, flexibility, and readily applicable outcomes in our projects.