Kim Snow
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Kim Snow is a recognized expert on children’s services and children's mental health and is a practitioner/researcher with a focus on the voice of the child and on safeguarding children and youth in service systems. She holds provincial and North American certification as a child and youth care practitioner and has thirty years of service to children, youth and their families. Kim works with young people and community groups, using collaborative problem solving methods, in order to prompt change within child and youth service settings. Her research interests focus on voice and participation and her projects make use of critical discourse analysis and participatory methods.
Snow is also the director of the Voyager Project, an award winning social innovation aimed at improving the educational attainment of Crown wards. Current and former Crown wards reach out to other young people living in foster and group care to encourage them to pursue their educational aspirations. Currently, she is working with the Office of the Ontario Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth conducting a comprehensive analysis of serious occurrence reporting in Ontario's children's residences. Snow's breadth of knowledge and experience makes her an acknowledged authority in the field and a frequently consulted expert.
Research interests:
- Emancipatory methods.
- Discourse analysis.
- Research/practitioner methodologies.
Research projects:
- Secure Isolation of young people in Ontario.
- Serious Occurrence reporting in Ontario.
- Community Development (Sachigo Lake First Nation, Voyager Project, TCWECT).
- Drumming to ease hypervigilance and anxiety with young people.
- Youth-led campus exposure activities
- Snow, K., Martin, J., Kroll, T., Gharabaghi, K. Griffin, S. and Garfat (2014). Puffin Poker & the Cod Kiss Collective: Stories of connection from the hidden corners of the World. (PDF file) CYC-Online (external link) , January 2014. cyc-net.org.
- Voyager Project and Snow (2014). Aspirations and belonging: A multi-form expression of voice. Exhibit.
- Voyager Project (2011, December 15). Voyagers discuss peer mentoring (external link) [Video file].
- Snow, K. (1999). Review: Melton, G.B. No Place to Go: The civil commitment of minors. Journal of Orthopsychiatry: Readings: A Journal of Reviews and Commentary in Mental Health, 14(1), 27.
Scholarly books and chapters:
- Snow, K. (forthcoming). Social capital at the margins. in Mann-Feder & Goyette (2017). Leaving care and the transition to adulthood: International contributions to theory, research and practice. Oxford University Press.
- Snow, K. & Goodman, D. (2016-forthcoming). Child and Youth Care and Social Work: Working @ the intersections in Wilson-Forsberg & Robinson (2016). Immigrant Youth in Canada. Oxford University Press.
Refereed contributions:
- Snow, K. & S.H., K.S., K.J., D.O.A., M.P. (2013). Aspirations and Belonging: Touchstones for the Journey. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies. Special Issue: Transforming practices: Emancipatory approaches to youth engagement , 4(3), 381-390.
- Snow, K. & Mann-Feder, V. (2013). Peer Centred Practice: A theoretical framework for intervention with young people in and from care, Child Welfare, 92(4), 75-93.
- Snow, K. (2013). Habits for life: Routines as fundamental to CYC practice. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice special issue on Daily Life Events (26-2).
- Snow & S.H. & K.S., K. (2013). Turning Shame into Pride: Reshaping Stigma by Raising Voices. The Philanthropist, 25(2). Retrieved from http://thephilanthropist.ca/index.php/phil/article/view/969.
- Snow, K. (2013). I am a Voyager: From aspirations to belonging. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies,8(1),18-28.
- Snow, K. & Mosko, S. (2010). Change Agents. Working together to support the voice of youth. in Knorth, E.J., Kalverboer, M.E., & Knot-Dickscheit (eds.) Inside Out: How interventions in child and family care work: An international source book, 468-470.
- Snow, K. (2009) The Case for Enhanced Educational Supports for Children in Public Care: An integrative literature review of the educational pathway of children in care. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 4(4), 300-311.
- Snow, K. (2008). Disposable Lives. Children and Youth Services Review, 30(2008), 1289-1298.
- Snow, K. (2006).Vulnerable citizens: The oppression of children in care. Journal of Child and Youth Care Work, 21, 94-113.
- Snow, K. (1994). "Aggression: Just part of the job?": The psychological impact of aggression on Child and Youth Workers, Journal of Child and Youth Care, 9(4),11-29.
Government reports:
- Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth and Snow, K. (2016). Serious Occurrences Report: Preliminary Report, February. ISBN 978-1-987815-26-9
- Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth and Snow, K. (2015). It's a matter of time: Systemic review of secure isolation in Ontario Youth Justice Facilities. ISBN 978-1-987815-06-1.
- Snow, K. & Sachigo Lake First Nation Research Team. (2013). Safeguarding children and youth in remote communities. Report to the Chief and Council Sachigo Lake First Nation.
- Snow, K. (2012). Safeguarding children within remote communities. Draft report to the Sachigo Lake First Nation: Children and Youth Services Research Team.
- Snow, K.(2011). Final Report: Summers of Hope: Engaging communities in supporting camps as a civic resource. Submitted to Sachigo Lake First Nation, 1-49.
- Snow, K. (2008). Crown Ward Educational Resilience: Preliminary Report of the findings of a file review of high school graduates. Submitted to Child Welfare Secretariat, Government of Ontario
- Finlay, J. & Snow, K. (2005). Youth Partners Project: Department of Justice: Canada.
- Snow, K. & Finlay, J. (1998). Voices From Within: Youth in care in Ontario speak out. Queen's Printer for Ontario.
Non-refereed contributions:
- Snow, K., Martin. J., Collins, T., Ignagni, E., Sharpe, M., Dhillon, G., Samler, A., and Andall. (2015). Final Report: Rights in Action: An interactive learning object. Learning and Teaching Office, Vice Provost Academic.
- Snow, K. & Pipitone, B. (2007). Report on the pilot Summer Experience 07: summary, lessons learned and next steps. Submitted to Children’s Aid Foundation
- Snow, K. (2006). Bilingualism: the two languages of young people in care. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 2(5), 45-55.
- Canadian Coalition on the Rights of the Child: Child Rights Supporter Award, 2010
- OACYC: Contribution to the profession, 2009
- Sue Williams Award for Teaching Excellence, 2004
- Nomination for the Krista Sepp Memorial Award, 1992