New Students
There are a few things you'll need to do before commencing your studies in the Molecular Science Program at Toronto Metropolitan. Please read the information below and feel free to contact Sarah Kovacs with any questions or concerns.
An in person Orientation session will be held during the scheduled seminar on Friday September 6Th, 2024 from 10am to 12pm in ENG102. This event will be led by Sarah Kovacs, Molecular Science Graduate Program Administrator and Dr. Sarah Sabatinos, Molecular Science Graduate Program Director.
Visit Student Accounts to "activate your online identity" meaning, get your matrix ID and Toronto Metropolitan email address. This will allow you to access the my.torontomu portal and your MyServiceHub account.
You need a OneCard to access Labs and other areas on campus; it's your ID card for Toronto Metropolitan. Apply to get your OneCard.
At Orientation you will be given a document outlining your funding package details. It will break down your funding for the year including:
- Ryerson Graduate Development or Fellowship Scholarship (RGD/RGF)
- Stipend from your Supervisor(s)
- Approximate income earned through Teaching Assistantships (TA)
- Any Government Grants you may have applied for and won
The Graduate Student Stipend is part of your funding package. Fill out Part 1 this form and then meet with your supervisor to complete Parts 2 and 3. Return the completed form to Sarah Kovacs, the Graduate Program Administrator (GPA) in KHE-226B (or the drop box outside the office) within the first two weeks of September.
You must sign a Terms and Conditions Document and submit it to Sarah Kovacs in order to receive your RGF/GDA funding. This form will be shared with you at the start of the Fall term. Contact Sarah Kovacs with any questions.
You and your supervisor will need to complete the Supervisor Checklist and submit the completed document to Sarah Kovacs in KHE-226B.
In discussion with your supervisor(s) you will determine your plan of study (external link) , which three courses are relevant to your studies and plan when you will take them. Courses are offered either once per year or more typically, once every other year. Please be sure to check course offerings each term to determine when to enrol in your courses. You can always contact the Graduate Program Administrator with questions about course offerings and enrolment.
Once you have established your Program of Study with your supervisor, you will be responsible for enrolling yourself in your courses on MyServiceHub. Visit How to Enrol to get started and you can view current course offerings via the tab on the left hand menu.
Current Seminar Schedule can be found on the left hand menu. For invited speakers see Seminar Schedule, for Seminar class dates and times see Course Offerings.
Note: The Graduate Program Office will enrol students in the appropriate Seminar Course as indicated below.
- MSc 1st Year: MS8201
- MSc 2nd Year: MS8202
- PhD Each Year: MS9201
*Please remember that you can only take one cross listed course in your program. Cross listed courses are graduate courses that are exactly the same an an undergraduate course.
Cross listed Courses in Molecular Science are:
- MS8114 Glycobiology
- MS8103 Genomics Proteomics
All forms can be found on Forms and Guidelines and deadlines on YSGPS Significant Dates.
Contact Sarah Kovacs, if you have any questions or concerns.