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Preparing for a meeting

If you have received a meeting request from the Student Conduct Officer, reply as soon as possible to confirm your availability. If you do not respond to the request, a decision about the complaint - including remedies/penalties - can be made without your input.
Next steps
- With the notification, you will receive a written summary of the complaint against you. Review these details carefully so you understand what has been alleged.
- If you have any documentation (i.e. emails, text messages, etc.) that is related to the complaint, you should consider bringing those materials to the meeting with you.
- If you can think of any potential witnesses, bring their names and contact information with you to the meeting.
- Consider if you want to bring a support person with you to the meeting. This person can act as your personal support but cannot advocate directly for you. Advise the Student Conduct Officer in writing if you want to bring a support person.
- Review what possible remedies/penalties can be imposed against you so you understand what the potential consequences are. You can ask questions during the meeting about the Student Code, the investigation and the potential outcomes.
In general, the investigation process moves relatively quickly - between one to three weeks - when the student(s) involved respond immediately to notices and requests for a meeting. If delays are anticipated, students will be notified.
Check your email
All formal communication with our office is done exclusively through your Ryerson e-mail account so make sure to check it frequently if dealing with a matter.