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Frequently asked questions

Answers to some of the most common questions we receive. If your question is not answered below, contact our office.

Our office provides one-stop support to help students resolve complex issues involving multiple academic and/or administrative offices.

Our office works with the Toronto Met community to proactively identify students in distress. We will reach out to students to provide support and make referrals to campus and community resources. Contact us in any situation in which you are concerned about a student’s well-being.

Our office can provide you with on-campus and community resources, and connect you with supports but we do not provide counselling.

Toronto Met’s Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct is the university’s policy that outlines what is considered non-academic misconduct. Non-academic offences includes behaviours that are threatening, intimidating or abusive; the theft, destruction or damage to property; or disruption to the learning and teaching environment. The Academic Code of Conduct - what is commonly referred to as Policy 60 - deals exclusively with academic integrity and conduct  that includes plagiarism, cheating, submission of false information.

Students who live in a Toronto Met residence (such as Pitman Hall or the ILLC) are also expected to abide by the clear expectations of acceptable behaviour as a member of a residence community; these expectations are written in Housing and Residence Life’s Community Standards.

Any Toronto Met student, faculty or staff can lodge a complaint against a Toronto Met student under the Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct.

Yes, the Code applies to student behaviour off-campus if you are publicly representing Toronto Met; participating in a course or organized class activity; attending an off-campus Toronto Met event; or your behaviour is negatively impacting another Toronto Met community member’s ability to learn, study, work or teach.

Confirm receipt of the letter by responding to the email and indicate if you are available to attend the meeting on the date indicated. If you do not respond to the request for a meeting, the Student Conduct Officer can conduct their investigation and make a decision about the complaint - including imposing remedies - without your input.

To prepare for the meeting with the Student Conduct Officer, review this information >> Student Code - Prepare for Meeting

The Student Conduct Officer will hold separate meetings for the person making the complaint and the student accused.  A student is entitled to bring a representative to the meeting. The representative can provide personal support but cannot act as an advocate for the student.  The Student Conduct Officer may invite other staff with relevant knowledge to a meeting (e.g. Human Rights Services or Security).

Details of a case will only be shared with your parents/guardians with your permission.