Continuing Education

Individual Courses & Certificate Programs
The Department of Psychology is proud to offer continuing education opportunities to highly motivated adult learners from the Greater Toronto Area and beyond. Students who wish to take Psychology courses to support personal development, to enhance current careers, or to build towards new career opportunities will find a wide choice of courses delivered in the evenings, weekends, and some via distance, all on a year-round basis. Our continuing education program is offered through the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Canada’s largest provider of university-based adult learning with over 65,000 annual enrolments.
In addition to taking any number of individual psychology courses (opens in new window) , students also have the option to pursue one of our two continuing education certificates: an 8-course Certificate in Psychology or a 10-course Certificate in Mental Health and Addictions. Each certificate involves a combination of required courses and electives with some specialization choice. Students wishing to pursue continuing education in Psychology should explore the above links and the easy on-line enrolment options.
The Chang School also offers information nights where you can learn more about our certificate programs and general student–life information. For further information please contact our Continuing Education Academic Coordinator. We look forward to hearing from you and inspiring your adult learning pursuits in Psychology.

CE Instructor Opportunities
Psychology teaching opportunities are available through the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education.
Above: Dr. Michelle Dionne, CE Academic Coordinator