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Denis Lim

Since 2014 I have worked extensively in different frontline roles with a variety of social service organizations in Toronto. I have had the privilege of working with marginalized youth and adult populations experiencing homelessness, poverty, addiction, mental health and involvement in the criminal justice system. In these roles, I have been a part of inter-disciplinary teams and have fulfilled case management responsibilities, internal/external service referrals, informal counselling and group program facilitation. I have also recently translated these experiences into the classroom setting as a Part-Time Professor at Humber College for their Addictions and Mental Health Graduate Certificate Program. Despite the very real challenges of this work - high burnout, turnover rates, vicarious trauma - I continue to be driven by my commitment to these groups confronted with socioeconomic disadvantage and oppressive conditions. Structural and institutional barriers prevent their social and economic inclusion in society, which ultimately minimizes their voice and humanity. I am pursuing the Policy Studies PhD precisely because of this reason. If marginalized groups are to be better served by the social service system, incorporating frontline perspectives about their experiences are necessary when discussing organizational practices and systemic solutions to these issues.