Search committee established for vice-president, administration and operations

President Mohamed Lachemi announces the search committee members and thanks them for their contribution.
I am pleased to announce the search committee membership for the vice-president, administration and operations.
I would like to thank all committee members for their willingness to serve in this important process.
Mohamed Lachemi
President and Vice-Chancellor
The committee composition is as follows:
Committee Chair:
Mohamed Lachemi
President and Vice-Chancellor
Committee Members:
Tony Conte
Executive Program Director, Future of Work Project
Marwan El Chafei
Director, Hospitality Services, University Business Services
Charles Falzon
Dean, The Creative School
Jennifer Grass
Assistant Vice-President, University Relations
Janet Hercz
Executive Director, Business Operations and Space Planning, Facilities Management and Development
Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano
Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs
Brian Lesser
Chief Information Officer
Joanne McKee
Chief Financial Officer
Jenny O’Donnell
Chief Human Resources Officer
Denise O’Neil Green
Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion
Julia Shin Doi
General Counsel, Secretary of the Board of Governors and University Privacy Officer