Task Force remains committed to carry out their mandate

The task force will continue its work to make recommendations to reconcile Egerton Ryerson’s legacy.
The Standing Strong (Mash Koh Wee Kah Pooh Win) Task Force is tasked with recommending actions that the university should take to respond to Egerton Ryerson's legacy. To fully understand his legacy, we sought to learn from our community members about what this means to them. We have learned from you - and more importantly, we have all learned from each other.
Thousands of people responded to our survey, community conversations were hosted formally and informally, people engaged with the media, hosted panels, issued open letters and filled social media with their insights and opinions. We have followed it all and we continue to learn. Out of respect for everyone who has participated, we are taking time to thoroughly review all of the submissions from our engagement period while we continue to follow the new statements, petitions and calls for action as they come forward.
Despite the urgency expressed by some this week for immediate change, it is vital that we respect our commitment to the community for a transparent process. Only by following the process we laid out can we ensure that the community has the information necessary to understand the recommendations we put forward.
With the statue removed, there may be regrets that the many students, faculty, staff and community members who have worked tirelessly towards its removal were not offered the opportunity to witness the moment it came down. We recognize that the absence of the statue does not reconcile Egerton Ryerson’s legacy and so we will continue our work. The Task Force will provide our final recommendations regarding principles of commemoration, the university's name, and other elements of commemoration on campus before the fall semester.
We appreciate the trust and support of the community as we remain committed to our mandate.
With great respect,
Joanne Dallaire and Catherine Ellis
Standing Strong (Mash Koh Wee Kah Pooh Win) co-Chairs