Ryerson University welcomes Kwame Addo as new ombudsperson for students

New ombudsperson Kwame Addo has extensive dispute resolution experience and comprehensive investigative experience. Photo: Alia Youssef.
Ryerson University is pleased to welcome Kwame Addo as the new Ombudsperson for students as of June 3, 2019.
Addo served as the director of investigations for the City of Toronto ombudsman for 10 years following his role as the city’s interim ombudsman. Prior to his position with the city, he held the role of investigator for Ombudsman Ontario from 1990 to 2009.
Before entering the Ombuds field, Addo worked as a senior claims officer for Ontario's Ministry of Transportation. He was also a claims adjuster in the private sector. Kwame has extensive dispute resolution experience, comprehensive investigative experience, and an established record of sound decision-making, integrity and strong interpersonal skills.
Addo earned a bachelor of science from the University of Guelph and a human resources management certificate from the University of Toronto. He is also an active volunteer who has worked with the Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators, Humber College’s Advisory Committee, York Museum Board, Ombudsman Ontario and the Mayor’s Committee on Community and Race Relations.
The Office of the Ombudsperson is an independent resource for students seeking resolutions to issues, concerns or conflicts at Ryerson that they have not been able to resolve themselves. Various departments within the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students, including Student Affairs and the Registrar’s Office, are often the first point of contact for students should they require support or guidance, and work collaboratively with the ombudsperson.
For Ryerson staff and faculty with concerns, their main points of contact continue to be the university’s Human Rights Services, Human Resources, Faculty Affairs, Office of the Vice-Provost Students, and the Office of the General Counsel which deals directly with the Ombudsman Ontario. Unionized employees may also seek assistance from their union representatives. These offices will continue to have a strong working relationship with the Ombudsman Ontario.
Ryerson would like to thank Nora Farrell for her years of dedicated service as ombudsperson. Nora’s unwavering commitment to fairness for students, her respectful dialogue with the Ryerson community, as well as her leadership in the sector has made the Ryerson community proud. We are extremely grateful for her commitment and we wish her well in her future endeavours.