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Can you guess the Ryerson grads?

Check out these yearbook photos and see if you can identify these famous alumni
By: Antoinette Mercurio
May 29, 2018
Isadore Sharp

We’re guessing plenty of Ryerson alumni have spent a night or two in one of his hotels.

Dave Devall

Rain or shine, Torontonians could count on him for 48 years to brace for Mother Nature’s unpredictability.

Dale Goldhawk

For years, this veteran broadcaster crusaded for wronged consumers on national television.

Michael Landsberg

Whether it’s talk about hockey or mental health, nothing is off the record for this sports buff.

Jessica Holmes

She knows how to find the humour in any situation.


  1. Isadore Sharp, Architectural Technology ’52, founder of the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts.
  2. Dave Devall, RTA ’58, former CFTO-TV weather personality.
  3. Dale Goldhawk, Journalism ’67, had a decade-long television career with Goldhawk Fights Back, a consumer-advocate show on CTV.
  4. Michael Landsberg, RTA ’82, sports broadcaster and host of TSN’s Off The Record.
  5. Jessica Holmes, RTA ’98, comedian/actress best known for Royal Canadian Air Farce.

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