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Update on Innovations in Democratic Leadership

March 18, 2024

Dear friends and partners,

As part of our ongoing commitment to provide exceptional learning experiences and outcomes to our communities, this year we will be temporarily pausing IDL. This strategic pause is being implemented so that we can concentrate on developing new program elements that align with the evolving needs of both our participants and the broader community.

First, we will be working closely with our program leads, industry leaders and academic experts to design and implement micro-credentials that provide tangible, recognizable qualifications reflecting the practical skills and competencies acquired through our program. This aims to further enrich the learning experience of our participants and increase the value of their qualifications in the job market.

During this pause, we will also refine our curriculum and incorporate new learning methodologies that complement our current content, such as our highly sought-after parliamentary simulation. We aim to introduce new approaches and experiential opportunities that will equip our participants with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in their chosen fields. Be assured that all current students and participants will be kept informed of our progress and will receive detailed information about our progress and how to participate next year.