
Your professors are dedicated to your development as a student, engineer and individual. They make classroom and lab learning exciting and hands-on, connect you with leading employers and ensure your participation in research is meaningful. More than teachers, your professors are mentors, renowned researchers and leaders.
Our departmental staff is here to make sure you have access to all the tools you need to succeed in the program. From guidance with optional co-op placements to general administration and technical support, the team in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering is here for you.
Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science Directory
The team at the Dean’s Office in the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science is happy to help with your questions and concerns, or to direct you to the resources you need. Contact us for information about research and partnerships, admissions, guidance for first-year students and more. Find the contact for your needs through the Dean’s Office staff directory.
For contact information for professors, and to learn more about their research interests and unique approaches to teaching, explore our faculty member directory.

Open Faculty Positions
The Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering is hiring qualified candidates for both tenure-track and limited-term faculty positions. For a complete list of open positions, please refer to Career Opportunities postings.
Adjunct appointments are status-only, non-remunerated positions bestowed upon distinguished individuals employed outside of Toronto Metropolitan University. Such individuals shall have outstanding recognition, exemplary achievement or special expertise from which the department could significantly benefit in its endeavours in research, teaching or administration.
Appointments will be reviewed on a regular basis. Appointees must submit an annual report on activities and contributions to the department no later than May 31 of each year of the appointment. Appointment renewal is possible, but the candidate must go through the application process again. The decision of appointment will then be based on the past term performance and on current departmental needs and/or plans.
In order to be considered for an adjunct appointment, applicants must possess one or more of the below qualifications:
- Full-time employment at a recognized and accredited university of national or international stature.
- Full-time employment at a primarily non-academic institution, in conjunction with exceptional skill or expertise that will greatly benefit the departmental agenda.
- Full-time faculty appointment at another university in conjunction with existing academic links (e.g., through graduate supervision, research grants, etc.) due to a past full-time appointment at Toronto Metropolitan University.
- Full-time member of an institution that is part of an inter-institutional agreement with Toronto Metropolitan University.
- Qualified employment at a national laboratory, recognized research institution or agency that has an agreement with Toronto Metropolitan University.
Please note that eligibility does not guarantee an appointment. The decision is at the discretion of the department chair and the hiring committee, taking into consideration each candidate’s qualifications and the departmental need.
Application Process
Qualified candidates wishing to apply for adjunct status can email their CV and cover letter to the department chair at Applications must be sent directly by the candidate to be accepted for consideration.
If supervision of graduate students is one of the expected activities of the appointment, then a separate application to the Yeates School of Graduate Studies (YSGS) must also be submitted.
Please familiarize yourself with adjunct professor appointment policies and procedures before submitting your application.