Privacy & Confidentiality

Your privacy is important to us. Information that identifies an individual and their equity self-identification data will never be released. It is stored in a separate section of your eHR record, accessible only to a very small number of staff in Human Resources and the Office of the Vice-President Equity and Community Inclusion who are required to access the information as part of their role, or with the permission of the person from whom the information is collected.
The information on the form is collected under the authority of the Toronto Metropolitan University Act. The data is needed to establish equity, diversity and inclusion goals and plans, report on progress in achieving goals, and for other related or consistent purposes. Human Resources and the Office of the Vice-President Equity and Community Inclusion have consulted the Information Access and Privacy Office to ensure that all personal information that is collected is used, stored, and destroyed in accordance with Toronto Metropolitan University’s Information Protection and Access Policy.
Diversity Self-ID reporting
The Office of the Vice-President Equity and Community Inclusion produces regular Diversity Self-ID reports and publishes summary data online. Our intent is to provide the TMU community with information that is meaningful and helps to advance equity, diversity and inclusion at the university, while protecting employee privacy. A number of techniques are used to mask the data:
- indicating that the number of people in a group is less than 5 or 10 (for example), instead of providing the exact number;
- combining recruitment and retention day over a number of years, e.g. faculty hires over a five year period; and
- not reporting data for academic departments and schools or small administrative units with less than 20 employees that cannot be combined with other units in a meaningful way.
If you have any questions about the Diversity Self-ID program at Toronto Metropolitan University, please contact Research, Planning and Assessment, Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion at
If you have questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information by Toronto Metropolitan University, or you require the questionnaire in alternate format, please contact the Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion at