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The Mining Association of Canada's Towards Sustainable Mining Initiative: in conversation with Mining Association of Canada Vice President Ben Chalmers

February 17, 2023
12:00 PM EST - 1:30 PM EST

To view a video recording of this "in conversation" session, click here.

To view a PDF of supporting material for this session, click  (PDF file) here.

The Institute for the Study of Corporate Social Responsibility at Toronto Metropolitan University*(TMU) is pleased to present an online interactive zoom session, The Mining Association of Canada's Towards Sustainable Mining Initiative: in conversation with Mining Association of Canada Vice President Ben Chalmers, on Friday, February 17, from 12 noon to 1:30 pm, Toronto time, (details below).

To register (no cost, everyone welcome) click HERE (external link)  then press the "reserve a spot" button.

To access the zoom: on Friday, February 17 at 12 noon (Toronto time), click HERE (external link)  patch in for the live session. This session is exclusively a zoom event: there is no in-person component.

Information will be provided during the session re: how to submit questions.

About MAC's TSM program

Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) is a globally recognized sustainability program that supports mining companies in managing key environmental and social responsibilities. TSM was the first responsible mining standard in the world to require site-level assessments with external verification and is mandatory for all companies that are members of implementing associations.

Through TSM, eight critical aspects of social and environmental performance are evaluated, independently validated, and publicly reported against 30 distinct performance indicators. The eight aspects include Indigenous and Community Relationships, Safety and Health, Crisis Preparedness and Communications, Biodiversity Conservation, Water Stewardship, Climate Change, Tailings Management and Preventing Child and Forced Labour. TSM is also working on a new aspect focusing on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Since its inception in 2004, TSM has been adopted by mining chambers around the world including Canada, Finland, Norway, Spain, Botswana, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, the Philippines and Australia.

Learn more: (external link) 

Twitter: @TSMinitiative

LinkedIn: Towards Sustainable Mining

About Ben Chalmers

Since joining MAC in 2011, Ben has been responsible for TSM, the made-in-Canada award-winning program focused on enabling mining companies to meet society’s needs for minerals, metals and energy products in the most socially, economically and environmentally responsible way. Over the last few years, Ben has played an important role in the international growth of TSM as it becomes a sought-after responsible mining standard. During his time working with TSM, it spread beyond Canada to be adopted by national mining associations around the world.

As Senior Vice President, Ben is responsible for overseeing MAC’s work related to Public Affairs & Communications and Government Relations. Ben has extensive experience in the mining sector and began working in the industry in 2004 at the Myra Falls Operations in British Columbia where he worked as an Environmental Supervisor for the mine. Prior to joining MAC, Ben served as Vice President of Environment and Technical Affairs for the Mining Association of British Columbia and was also a Senior Policy Analyst with Natural Resources Canada. Ben is a member of both the Minister of International Trade’s Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Body on Responsible Business Conduct and the Responsible Business Alliance’s Responsible Mining Initiative Engagement Team.


Moderating the session will be Dr. Kernaghan Webb, Director of the Toronto Metropolitan University CSR Institute and a Law and Business professor in TMU's Ted Rogers School of Management.

The talk is co-sponsored by the TMU Corporate Social Responsibility Student Association, the TMU Commerce and Government Association, and the TMU Law and Business Student Association.