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Board Performance Indicators

Toronto Metropolitan University's Board Performance Indicators have been developed to provide a set of annually updated measures of university performance over a wide range of issues of interest to the Board of Governors. They are presented in a graphical manner to facilitate interpretation of the indicators.

Updated: June 21, 2023

The Board Performance Indicators enable the Board of Governors to track progress over time on issues central to the mission of the university. Where possible, the indicators provide comparisons against other universities. The indicators are tracked at the level of the university. The university tracks academic-related indicators at the Faculty, program or school/department level through Senate's Progress Indicators.

The Board Performance Indicators provide technically sound measures that were chosen for their relevance, the reliability of underlying data, the ongoing accessibility of underlying data, and the clarity of what is measured.

Nevertheless, care should be taken in drawing conclusions from these indicators. Cautions include:

  • The Indicators only measure what is quantifiable and where data are available.
  • Comparator information is based on standardized data and measures that reflect "average" universities.
  • Comparators are not designed as benchmarks.
  • Toronto Metropolitan University is unique when compared to other Canadian universities with respect to program mix, size and budget.

There are 33 Board Performance Indicators that are classified into four primary categories that correspond to oversight of:

  • Strategic Direction (15 indicators)
  • Financial Capacity (6 indicators)
  • Effective Management (7 indicators)
  • University Profile (5 indicators)