Dr. Mathieu Lajante
Dr. Mathieu Lajante received his Ph.D. in Management Science from the University of Rennes 1, France.
He is an expert in customers' emotions and psychophysiology applied to marketing research. He is the founder and head of the emoLab, a neuroscience-based research platform dedicated to studying emotional processes in management. He studied the concepts of aesthetic and utilitarian emotion for social (threatening tobacco warnings) and commercial (TV advertising) marketing communication effectiveness. He is now leading a research program called "The Firm’s empathic capacity" to study firm-customer emotional connectedness throughout the technology-infused customer journey.
He has published in marketing (e.g., Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Advertising Research) and psychology journals (e.g., Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, and Frontiers in Psychology).
Neuromarketing/consumer’s neuroscience; services marketing; customers emotion; organizational frontline.
Publications in Refereed Journals |
Lajante, M., Tojib, D., & Ho, T. I. (2023). When interacting with a service robot is (not) satisfying: The role of customers’ need for social sharing of emotion. Computers in Human Behavior, 107792. |
Lajante, M., Remisch, D., & Dorofeev, N. (2023). Can robots recover a service using interactional justice as employees do? A literature review-based assessment. Service Business, 17(1), 315-357. |
Lajante M., Ladhari R., Massa E. (2022). Role of affective forecasting in customer’s hotel services experiences. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(3), 1062-1083. |
Lajante M., Droulers O., Derbaix C. & Poncin I. (2020) Looking at aesthetic emotions in advertising research through a psychophysiological perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2544. |
Lajante M. & Lux G. (2020) Why organizational researchers should consider psychophysiology when investigating emotion. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1705. |
Lacoste-Badie S., Gallopel-Morvan K., Lajante M. & Droulers O. (2019). How do smokers respond to pictorial and threatening tobacco warnings? Journal of Consumer Marketing, 36, 461-471. |
Lajante M. & Ladhari R. (2019). The promise and perils of the peripheral psychophysiology of emotion in retailing and consumer services. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50, 305-313. |
Ladhari R., Gonthier J. & Lajante M. (2019). Generation Y and online fashion shopping: Orientations and profiles. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 48, 113-121. |
Lajante M. & Lux G. (2018). Ouvrons la boite noire des émotions pour comprendre le processus d’appropriation des outils de gestion. Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 21(3), 103-127. |
Droulers O., Gallopel-Morvan K., Lacoste-Badie S. & Lajante M. (2017). The influence of threatening visual warnings on tobacco packaging: Measuring the impact of threat level, image size, and type of pack through psychophysiological and self-report methods. PLOS One, 12 (9). |
Lajante M., Droulers O., & Amarantini D. (2017). How reliable are “state-of-the-art” facial EMG processing methods? Guidelines for improving the assessment of emotional valence in advertising research. Journal of Advertising Research, 57, 28-37. |
Lux G. & Lajante M. (2017). Introducing emotion in the appropriation of management tools: A propaedeutic. International Journal of Work Organization and Emotion, 8(3), 213-233. |
Droulers O., Lajante M. & Lacoste-Badie S. (2013), Apport de la démarche neuroscientifique à la mesure des émotions : importation d’une nouvelle méthode de mesure de l’activité électrodermale, Décisions Marketing, 72, 87-101. |
Lajante M. & Droulers O. (2013), Importation de la théorie de l’évaluation cognitive et dynamique des processus émotionnels : illustration par la mesure de l’activité du système nerveux autonome, Management & Avenir, 62, 171-187. |
Droulers O., Lajante M., Jamet E., Lacoste-Badie S. & Minvielle M. (2013), Effet de la complexité visuelle du packaging sur l’attention portée à la marque, La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 261/262, 39-44. |
Lajante M., Droulers O., Dondaine T. & Amarantini D. (2012). Opening the « black box » of electrodermal activity in consumer neuroscience research. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 5, 238-249. |
Selected Conference Proceedings |
Lajante M., Tojib D. & Ho I. (2023). Service robot acceptance and customer satisfaction: The role of customers’ needs for the social sharing of emotions. The 18th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS 18), Hanoi, Vietnam, June 20-23. |
Lajante M. & Ladhari R. (2022). Introducing the concept of brand appropriation through optics wars. 9th International Conference on Research on National Brand & Private Label, Barcelona, Spain, June 27-28. |
Lajante M., Del Prete M., Sasseville B., Rouleau G., Gagnon M-P. & Pelletier N. (2022). Training service employees in empathy: A systematic review of 10 years of empirical research and research agenda. 12th SERVSIG Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June 16-18. |
Lajante M. (2021). Toward psychopathic organizational frontlines? How technology-mediated communication impair frontline employee’s empathic capacity in online service recovery. In M. Subramony (Chair), Frontline service employees in a changing world: Interdisciplinary perspectives and research directions. [Symposium]. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 30 July - 3 August 2021, Online. |
Lajante M. (2020). Firms’ Empathic Capacity: A conceptual framework to determine the appropriate mix of tech and touch at the organizational frontlines. Organizational Frontline Research (OFR) Symposium, San Diego, USA, February 13-14. |
Lajante M. & Jackson P. (2019). Augmented empathic capacity: A new perspective for raising prosocial interactivity and customer engagement in the automated service era. SERVSIG Frontiers in Service Conference, National University of Singapore, Singapore, July 19-21. |
Lajante M. (2019). Augmented empathic capacity: An integrative framework for supporting customer engagement throughout the automated customer journey. Sixth International Conference on National Brand & Private Label, Barcelona, Spain, June 12-14. |
Lacoste-Badie S., Droulers O. & Lajante M. (2017). Exploring aesthetic emotions as an antecedent of attitude toward the advertising: A psychophysiological study. SCP-JACS Collaborative Conference, Tokyo, Japan, May 18-19. |
Matsumoto E., Kawashima T., Zaitsu M., Lajante M. & Naito T. (2017), Medial prefrontal activation and liking/wanting judgments: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) study, The Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, March 25-28. |
Kawashima T., Lajante M., Wakabayashi M., Kitaguchi M., Naito T. & Matsumoto E. (2016), Individual differences in reward sensitivity and both liking and wanting food with novel packaging design, The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, July 24-29. |
Matsumoto E., Kawashima T., Takeushi M., Lajante M., Wakabayashi M., Kitaguchi M. & Naito T. (2016), Distinctive effects of visual novelty of package design between aesthetic preference and “want to eat” judgment, The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, July 24-29. |
Lajante M., Droulers O. & Lacoste-Badie S. (2015), Aesthetic emotions induced by TV advertising predict consumers’ attitudes, The 2015 Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Geneva, Switzerland, July 8-10. |
Droulers O., Lajante M., Derbaix C., Poncin I. & Roullet B. (2014), Psychophysiological measures as a new method to measure advertising effectiveness, The 43rd EMAC Annual Conference, SIG: Psychophysiological measures: last developments in marketing research, Valencia, Spain, June 3-6. |
Lajante M. & Droulers O. (2012), Measuring arousal in consumer research: A new EDA signal processing method, Advances in Consumer Research North America Conference, Vancouver, Canada, October 4-7. |
Lajante M., Droulers O., Dondaine T. et Amarantini D. (2012), Opening the « black box » of electrodermal activity in consumer neuroscience research, NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Proceedings, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 14-15. |
Year | Source / Grant | Amount |
2021 | Internal Equipment Grant Competition, Ryerson University | CA$17,868.98 |
2021 | Explore Grant (2021), SSHRC, “Brand Hijacking through Optic Wars” | CA$7,000/1 year |
2020 | Research Grant (2020), OBVIA-International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology, “A virtual Patient and Citizen Community (COMVIP): An Inclusive, Multi-Generational Panel for Optimal Use of Digital and AI in Healthcare” (co-investigator; Principal investigator: Pr. Marie-Pierre Gagnon, ULaval, Quebec, Qc) | CA$129,862,94/3 years |
2019 | Insight Development Grant, SSRHC, “Effects of automated service interactions on firm’s empathic capacity” | CA$45,588/2 years |
2017 | Junior Faculty Research Grant, Faculty of Business Administration, Université Laval | CA$30,000/3 years |
2015 | Junior Professor Award: A Research Mobility Program, The French Foundation for Management Education, France | €10,000/6 months |
Honour / Award |
Winner of the award for best professor of the year 2019-2020, Marketing department, Administration Science Student Association of Laval University (AESAL) for this award |
Winner of the award for publication of the thesis (Vuibert: Paris, pp. 256), 2014, The French Foundation for Management Education, Paris, France |
Winner of the first thesis award, 2013, SHOS Doctoral School, Rennes 1 Foundation |