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Reimagining Black Futures and Pasts

You folk are so finicky about time, living it in straight lines like that.

Nalo Hopkinson, Sister Mine (2013)

This quote by Jamaican-born Canadian fiction writer and editor Nalo Hopkinson speaks to both oppression and freedom. We are weighted by Eurocentric histories, norms and practices that govern who we are and how we should think, move and live. Afrofuturists, steeped in ancient African/Caribbean traditions and Black identity, reimagine futures that defy normative Eurocentric conventions of all kind. Freedom is for those who name it as such and live differently.

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Beware, my body and my soul, beware above all of crossing your arms and assuming the sterile attitude of the spectator, for life is not a spectacle, a sea of griefs is not a proscenium, and a man who wails is not a dancing bear.

Aimé Césaire, Cahier, Discours sur le colonialisme