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Low Voltage Media Installations Policy

  • Owner:  Computing and Communications Services (CCS); Facilities Management & Development
  • Approver:  Vice-President, Administration and Operations
  • Approval Dates:  June 2005, August 2007

I.    Purpose

The cable plant infrastructure is an asset owned by Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University").  Part of the cable plant infrastructure is the physical low voltage media which is composed of fiber, copper and coaxial cables. Computing and Communications Services (CCS) is the custodian and is responsible for the coordination and implementation of all on-campus low voltage media installations.  Coordination with CCS will ensure the integrity of the University's cable plant infrastructure and the integration of schools and departments individual low voltage media installations with other University facilities and future University networking plans. 

The purpose of this policy is:

1.    To ensure that the University has a cable plant infrastructure to support its learning, teaching and administration needs.

2.    To ensure cable installations on University properties (owned, leased or rented) meet Provincial and Municipal building, safety and fire codes.

3.    To ensure that cable installations are correctly installed and conform to:

            a.    BICSI, the Building Industry Consultant Services International;

            b.    TIA, Telecommunications Industry Association; and

            c.    Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards.

4.    To provide an efficient and standardized low voltage infrastructure that meets the needs of all constituents of the University.

II.    Scope

This policy applies to all members of the University.

III.    Policy

Computing and Communications Services (CCS) is the custodian and is responsible for the coordination and implementation of all on-campus low voltage media installations. University schools and departments planning to install low voltage media must contact CCS for coordination and implementation assistance.

Actual installation of low voltage media may be performed by CCS or external (certified and approved) contractors as the availability of staff and appropriate skills allow.  Schools with high levels of expertise in data wiring at the building level may have requirements to reconfigure their internal networks on a regular basis.  These departments, with the approval of CCS, may install and maintain special building data wiring which is separate and independent from the University's telecommunications and network infrastructure.

Contact:  Schools and departments shall contact CCS for the following activities:

1.    Installation of additional telephone, data, or video facilities.

2.    Installation of special information circuits and other building systems that convey information including voice, data, video, control, audio, access control and surveillance.

3.    Connection of departmental equipment to the University's telecommunications and network infrastructure.

4.    Telecommunications and network installations for all new construction or remodeling projects.

Installation will be charged to the department on a time and material basis, or on a flat rate basis, depending upon the nature of the work to be performed.

Need to Coordinate with CCS:  Schools or departments with high levels of expertise in the installation of low-voltage wiring at the building level may have requirements to reconfigure their internal networks on a regular basis.  These schools, with the approval of CCS, may install and maintain special building wiring.  Such installations will be separate and independent from the University's telecommunications and network infrastructure, and will not have access to wall or floor outlets, conduits, and central distribution closets.

When cabling spans more than a single room (eg. a computer lab), the school or department must provide a building floor plan that reflects the cable route, the type of cable and the quantity of cable.  CCS will update the University's central Cable Plant Database with the information.

Any harm or disturbance to other networks/circuits that is traceable to a school/department-installed cabling will result in the offending network to be disconnected from the central backbone until the problem has been corrected.

CCS will not support nor maintain nonstandard cable installations that do not conform to the University's uniform wiring plan, Federal, Provincial, Municipal and applicable codes and standards.  Installed cables, deemed not conforming to applicable codes may be removed with the costs borne by the school/department.

CCS is permitted through to this policy the right to inspect cabling installed by schools/departments for compliance to applicable codes.

IV.    Jurisdiction

The policy falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The application and interpretation of the policy and its associated procedures is the responsibility of the Director, Computing and Communications Services and the Director, Campus Facilities & Sustainability (CFS).