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Associate / Apprentice

About the Program


Associates are students who get matched with part-time paid and/or for course credit internship positions with an incubated teams at the Studio. Accepted students will go through a matching process to join a startup or creative project from one of our Zones for a 4-month term. Students will offer their time (approximately 4-6 hours per week) to work and learn from the team. Accepted students who do not match with a team, will be kept as part of our associate pool for future opportunities and invited to student-focused programming.

The student and the team will establish a working arrangement, which includes details on compensation, mentorship, scope of work, project timelines and deliverables. Students will also have checkpoints with Studio staff. During the term, students will have full access to all the resources at their Zone, and are invited to attend programming at The Studio.


Apprentices are students volunteering with our media, design fabrication or music teams for a maximum of 8 hours/month.

Applications for the next intake will start in January 2022.